Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

vrijdag, 12 februari 2010
M U S I C for Today

The Force - Episod... - UniVersal RadioStation The 4ce!

Posted: 3:35:24 PM  

The Occult Symbolism of Sherlock Holmes

Although the occult elements of the movie are presented as being fictional products of director Guy Richie's imagination, many of the symbols used are taken from actual occult works.

There is no doubt that some research has been done in order to give the movie some "occult authenticity", but it seems to go further than this.

There is a certain cohesiveness in the symbols used, which makes them more than decorative additions, but rather a series of clues pointing towards actual Secret Societies.

Were they placed for "those in the know" as a sort of cryptographic message or insider's joke?

Did the director want the viewers to play Sherlock Holmes?
These symbols mean one thing for sure: We are witnessing a definite occultization of mass media.

Posted: 3:23:33 PM  

V-Day (Valentine's Day, New Moon) - and the first day of the Chinese Year of the Tiger

Mars in the spotlights!

Hidden communication' from last year - and the Vancouver Olympics

Posted: 3:20:41 PM  

Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower outs secret Mars colony project

Ms. Eisenhower's account of her targeting by time travel surveillance and attempted manipulation by trained intelligence agents attached to a Mars colony project was revealed in an interview, and in an extensive written statement at Ms. Eisenhower's website.

Note from MM:

I didn't have time to do a search on this website, nor did I read it, but I didn't want to withold it from you. Have a good read!

Thnx AMA

Posted: 3:13:32 PM  

The Friday's InspirationPeak

Whenever you make a mistake or get knocked down by life, don't look back at it too long.
Mistakes are life's way of teaching you.
Your capacity for occasional blunders is inseparable from your capacity to reach your goals. No one wins them all, and your failures, when they happen, are just part of your growth.
Shake off your blunders. How will you know your limits without an occasional failure?

Never quit. Your turn will come.

Og Mandino, 1923-1996
American Author and Inspirational Speaker

Posted: 3:10:41 PM  

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