For instance, a caller talking about going for dinner might see ads to local restaurants and restaurant review sites, while someone pondering whether to buy a new computer might see ads for computer stores. Relevant unsponsored links also appear.
I grew up in fear for 'Russia', my father grew up in fear for 'The West' ... ;
its just in what country you live in, its just what they tell you, its just what YOU BELIEVE is true ...
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a U.S. television interview on Sunday that Iran did not need nuclear weapons and his country was not heading for war with the United States.
Posted: 8:04:09 AM
Quote for Today
Speak when you are angry - and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret.
Data released by the New York Federal Reserve shows that foreign central banks have been net sellers of U.S. treasuries over the past five weeks, with $48 billion having been sold since late July, and $32 billion in just the last two weeks.
Posted: 7:48:38 AM
What made Peruvian villagers sick on Sept 16th when a meteorite struck near Lake Titicaca? Arsenic fumes
According to Peru's Mining, Metallurgy, and Geology Institute, the crash site coincides with a natural underground deposit of arsenic. Visitors to the crater inhaled fumes resulting in headaches and nausea. Sensational reports attributing the crater and the illnesses to a downed radioactive spy satellite were unfounded.