Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

dinsdag, 4 september 2007
Movie for Today

Posted: 6:10:21 PM  

Episode 6 Universal Radio Station The Force

Listening to the ships iPod we got inspired by Todd Rundgren...

Posted: 5:23:34 PM  


(Please click on the green arrow (LINK) when you are at Multiply-Blog to hear the song)

Posted: 4:57:43 PM  

Daily Motivator

Thoughts into joy

Your thoughts are what frighten you. Choose to change them, and the fear is gone.

Your thoughts are what cause you to be frustrated, angry, disappointed, impatient and uncomfortable. And your thoughts can also take you far away from all those things.

For your thoughts can transform anger into forgiveness, disappointment into determination, discomfort into inspiration, and fear into love. The choice is always yours.

The world is what it is. Yet your thoughts determine how you situate yourself into the world.

By controlling your thoughts you control the kind of world in which you live. At the times when you realize it, and at the times when you don't, you are always controlling your thoughts.

Deep inside you is a beautiful, unique person who seeks true joy and fulfillment. Let your thoughts resonate with the genuine person you are, and that joy does surely come.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 2:13:30 PM  

Felix update | Reuters Video

Killer heat wave bakes southern California

Posted: 2:08:33 PM  

Message from Archangel Michael

September 2007

Beloved masters, on the earthly plane of existence, human Beings rejoice at the birth of a child, for it is indeed a miracle of creation, and they mourn the death of a loved one, for they feel a personal loss of that person from their midst.

However, death is also a miracle and, from a spiritual point of view, it is a time of rejoicing, for it is a time of returning to a truer state of Being.

Posted: 1:30:18 PM  

Every now and then this pops up in the news:

Experts suggest a link between the use of deodorants and breast cancer

I don't know if its true but a good question to ask yourself is:

'What am I putting on/in my body on a daily basis?'

One possible 'solution' for deodorant is this: DO 2 - Deo Crystal Spray

THINK! and please read THIS


and THIS as well

Posted: 1:17:41 PM  


"I woke up early [yesterday] morning and packed my gear to record a passage of International Space Station in front of the Moon in the daytime sky," says Alan Friedman of Buffalo, New York.

"The sunlit ISS appears brighter than the Moon, which quivers in the unsteady atmosphere at 24o above the western horizon.

Its path runs through the flooded craters Archimedes and Plato; the brilliant crater at the top is Copernicus."

Posted: 8:07:09 AM  

Vital new evidence

The development could support the theory that Andanson was murdered by the security services.

Posted: 8:03:03 AM  

'Big Brother' was watching George Orwell

George Orwell, the author who coined the phrase "Big Brother is watching you", was himself the subject of intense surveillance by the secret services, documents released on Tuesday disclose.

Posted: 7:57:58 AM  



"Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients--without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved.

"When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself? How could even the best self-improvement master cure the criminally insane? It didn't make any sense. It wasn't logical, so I dismissed the story.

"However, I heard it again a year later. Read more

Posted: 7:50:16 AM  

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