maandag, 17 september 2007 |
Euro Gains As Reserve Choice
Former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan said it is possible that the euro could replace the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency of choice.
Posted: 8:45:50 PM
Turn Off Your Television
Read this powerful indictment of uncontrolled TV viewing written in the early 1990s and then take stock of how much the Boob Tube is on in your own home. Its message is even more important today with TVs blaring in airports, bars, even offices.
It is time to try Mr. Wolfe's therapy: "Do you want to stay stupid and let your country go to hell in a basket? Why don't you just walk over to the set and turn it off. That's right, completely off. Go on, you can do it. Now isn't that better? Don't you feel a little better already?
You've just taken the first step in deprogramming yourself. It wasn't that hard, was it? Until we speak again, try to keep it off. Now that will be a bit harder."
Who's Doing It?
But don't take my word for it. Ten years ago we spoke to a man from a think tank called the Futures Group in Connecticut. Hal Becker had spent more than 20 years of his life manipulating the minds of the leaders of our society.
Listen to what he said: 'I know the secret of making the average American believe anything I want him to. Just let me control television. Americans are wired into their television sets. Over the last 30 years, they have come to look at their television sets and the images on the screen as reality. You put something on television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the television set contradicts the images, people start changing the world to make it more like the images and sounds of their television. Because its influence is so great, so pervasive, it has become part of our lives. You lose your sense of what is being done to you, but your mind is being shaped and molded.'
Can you change your mold? | Channeled Movie
MultiplyBlog for Masters - Sebastian, song and lyrics for NOW.
Posted: 1:37:19 PM
How to discover your life purpose in about 20 minutes
How do you discover your real purpose in life? I'm not talking about your job, your daily responsibilities, or even your long-term goals. I mean the real reason why you're here at all - the very reason you exist.
Posted: 11:18:40 AM
Ramahs Wisdom
We are One ... so the NotDoing reflect on us ALL ..
Ah, that is felt throughout the Universe ...
People demonstrate against war : MAKE PEACE instead
People demonstrate against Bush : LOVE BUSH instead
People demonstrate against poverty : BE ABUNDANCE instead
People think of a better future : BE NOW instead
You weren't meant to BE a DO-ing anyway ....
Posted: 11:15:05 AM
The Blue Monster:
The cartoon of a sharp-toothed blue creature and its tagline, 'Microsoft - change the world or go home', has now been adopted by some Microsoft employees and fans as a symbol of the company's innovation.
'People see Microsoft as a big, bad corporate monster,' Mr MacLeod said. 'Yet all the Microsofties I've spoken to say they just want to make great products and do good works.'
Posted: 8:13:23 AM
Daily Motivator
Amaze yourself
Jump right out into life and make your own special splash. Forget about what conventional wisdom says, or what is normal or comfortable, and listen to your passion.
One of the worst things you can do is to create lifelong regrets out of missed opportunities. The momentary discomfort of venturing into new territory is nothing compared to all the treasure you'll discover when you choose to step forward.
There is so very much richness that you can create out of the things that are already available to you in abundance. Visualize your own special version of life's richness and delight in making it happen.
Today is not a day to sit around and watch. Today is a day to live fully and enthusiastically and courageously.
You have it in you; there is no doubt. Choose to let it out.
Amaze yourself with the new and great and wonderful things you do. Today is an opportunity that you definitely don't want to miss.
Ralph Marston | GreatDay.com
Posted: 8:01:18 AM
When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look south. Jupiter, a fat crescent Moon and the red giant star Antares are gathered together in the constellation Scorpius. The three are bright enough to see even from light polluted cities.
Posted: 8:00:03 AM
AH! Interesting:
Stinky? It's not his sweat, it's your nose
When it comes to a man's body odor, the fragrance - or stench - is in the nose of the beholder, according to U.S. researchers who suggest a single gene may determine how people perceive body odor.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, fragrance is in the nose of the beholder...
Would Love be in the Heart of the Beholder?
Posted: 7:57:14 AM
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