Ramah's Wisdom
Can you be HONEST with YOURSELF
for ONE day?
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To be completely honest with yourself, how can we BE that?
First is to be AWARE of your LIE. Then see what a lie does, to you, to the one your talking with.
Its energetic, remember! It effects ones energy. Not only YOURS, everyone's energy, we are ONE.
Why is admitting to the lie so difficult? Because YOU make it difficult.
Caught yourself lying?
Now is a chance to heal that part (maybe you need to heal that a couple of times per day) ... and start to be honest with yourself like this:
Notice the Lie, admit that you were lying, forgive yourself, take a deep breath, relax, relax some more, find peace in yourself and say the intention out loud (so your ears can hear you) to do better with this lying/thingie the next time.
Say: I am Honest. Take a deep breath again and go on with what you were doing, no blame, no guilt and feel good about yourself, for you are one step further on your way to become YOU!
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