Lifting Your Veil
by Lisa Renee
July 2008 - (excerpt) -
Dear Family,
Over the past few months we have been undergoing a process of gradual particle acceleration. This particle acceleration is a natural physics dynamic that exists at the quantum level, and it is this exchange that creates a faster momentum pulsing between the fission and fusion that exists between the antiparticle and particle mass.
To understand this level of our Ascension process, remember that we are merging our Particle (magnetic-female principle) selves and Anti-particle (electric-male principle) selves into a merged non-charged field at the 'zero point'.
This merging of our particles into the Zero Point is an 'event' that is happening at every level and layer of our hologram, at the personal level, Planetary level, Universal level and so forth.
Ego Wiring Short Out
This brings us to another recent observation while in 3D fields of perception that is quite surreal. Those persons still operating at solely the Ego consciousness rely primarily on the 'personality level' that exists within the first three layers of the lightbody/chakras. If the being is disconnected from its soul matrix, or has had no interest in developing itself spiritually-energetically, you may start to witness its 'ego program' starting to short circuit. This is usually witnessed in a person unable to communicate coherently (and even logically), as if they are speaking one thing and doing another. They get caught in a binary thought processing, such as ... "Its Black, No Its White" ... and they are not even aware that what they have just expressed makes absolutely no sense at all. Also aberrant outbursts of anger or anxiety inappropriately expressed in a pure reactionary moment, while acting like it never happened is also becoming more common. (This is the way the body is letting out suppressed or repressed emotional energy).
What used to be known as your personal goals, plans, strategies and future visions by en large have fallen by the wayside.
Ideas of who you may think you are, and where you are going change like you change your underwear. You wonder if you have become one of those people you used to view as unstable and flaky.
The bottom line is now (for the most part) you are on hiatus and need to be more sequestered and quiet to integrate this new level of your being. It is the time to pay full hyper-awareness in the now moment while utilizing 'nonattached receptivity' to all that appears in your path. ( see last month's news) Seemingly, you are given a finite amount of energy expenditure to use to maintain your basic 'storefront' structure and the rest seems to deplete at the end of the day like a deflated tire. Many of us need to slow down and take time off during this month of July specifically.
This is a huge process underway so please do not resist it or think something is wrong with you.
Accept and accept some more.
Your core identity, everything that you were is being reconfigured and realigned to support your true self.
Just walk the path of what is in front of you, that is all that is required now.
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