Marina's Masters - Articles

vrijdag, 30 juli 2010
Sort-of REpost ;-)

Confessions of An Economic Hit Man - What Really Goes on Behind Global Affairs

Very few people know anything about what really goes on behind the scene when it come to U.S. foreign policy and the corporate interests that drive it all.

Our government is controlled by powerful corporate interests that have literally hijacked the powers of government and our military to advance their own selfish agendas.

This interview should totally blow your mind.

John Perkins was one of the men working behind the scenes to expand a global empire primarily through economic blackmail where they seduced third world leaders into taking out enormous loans that were impossible to repay so we could then U.S. corporations could swoop in and acquire control of their natural resources.

Link to this movie - and other good stuff!

Posting in 2007 - John Perkins

Posted: 4:53:37 AM  
link to this article: [Macro error: Can't evaluate the expression because the name "permalinkUrl" hasn't been defined.]

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