Marina's Masters - Articles

woensdag, 28 juli 2010
New SYNCS to the latest movie

Nazca Lines - Peru

The Code system uses mathematical constants, such as pi and the radian.
The system also uses conventions that are still in use, such as the 360 degree circle, 60 minute degree, 60 second minute, the base-ten numbering system, the 12-inch foot, and the 5280 foot mile.
The ancient Mayans used Gematrian numbers in their very accurate timekeeping.
The Nazca Line ground markings "locate themselves" on The Code Matrix System. This theory is part of a new science called Archaeocryptography.

Hawkins and his group went to Nazca to prove the astronomical Theory of Maria Reiche. The made new and precise survey and analyzed the course of important stars by using new computer software. This Software included the star positions of the last 6900 years. After weeks of work they had very disappointed to say: We didn't find any astronomical context.

They didn't look far enough: it's 11.500 years...
Conquistadors, spain, orange alignment and Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock

Posted: 11:05:28 PM  
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