Marina's Masters - Articles

donderdag, 22 juli 2010
Update on the Cropcircle at Woolaston Grange, near Clap-Y-Ares, Gloucestershire - Reported 18th July

A R T I C L E about the Woolaston Grange Cropcircle

Let's take a look at the over-lapping portion. This portion displays a cross-over, two- tone-interwoven technique to tightly fix two circles together. The coded message here is exactly the same as the crop circle at Standdaarbuiten, Noord Brabant, Netherlands. (Note from MM: I strongly believe this Dutch cropcircle is manmade ...)

Meanwhile, you will also see 8 arcs(4 black arcs and 4 white arcs) partly over-lapping inside the lozenge encircled by purple line.

This symbolizes 8 tribes of mankind will be successfully cultivated with integrated high wisdom in the environment of consistent temperature.

Those 8 tribes of high wisdom beings will become the leaders of Earth and they are the 8 tribes of celestial beings.

Posted: 9:26:53 PM  
link to this article: [Macro error: Can't evaluate the expression because the name "permalinkUrl" hasn't been defined.]

Happy Dog Days

Image: /

It is said that all great Avatars and evolutionary energies originate from Sirius, the brightest star in our heavens. Today the Sirius / Leo Festival, celebrated globally at the time of the Full Moon during Leo (July 22-Aug. 22), offers a great and unique opportunity to make contact with Sirian force.

Don't take it TOo SiriOus ...

Read more here - with discernment

Posted: 9:03:58 PM  
link to this article: [Macro error: Can't evaluate the expression because the name "permalinkUrl" hasn't been defined.]

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