Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

vrijdag, 7 mei 2010
Planes don't just fall out of the sky (search THAT in this site!!) :

'I just hope that the plane doesn't crash!'

Blood streaming down his face, party rosette still attached to his pinstriped suit, Nigel Farage is dragged from the wreckage of a light aircraft.

The flight was to have been one final stunt on election day for the flamboyant Ukip candidate – and it was almost the last thing he ever did.

Posted: 10:04:51 AM  

Daily Motivator

Nothing wrong

There is nothing wrong. There is simply what is, and what you choose to make of it.

If you spend all your energy on judgment, there's no energy left for progress. And judgment doesn't pay the bills.

You have the opportunity to create something beautiful. It starts with accepting and valuing what already is.

Life's energy comes to you, and you can do with it whatever you please. Very little of what comes your way is under your control before it gets to you, but every bit of what you do with it is yours to decide.

Instead of fighting battles that are already over, simply accept that things are as they are. Then look closely with a positive purpose, and you'll find plenty of opportunities for creating meaningful value.

Life is bringing you amazing possibilities right now. Let them come, let them be, and find joy in making the very best of them.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 10:02:44 AM  

Pound slumps and stock market dives as investors fret over delays in tackling Britain's massive public debt

The shifts came hours after America's Dow Jones index was battered over Eurozone fears.

Posted: 9:54:50 AM  

Too little, too late...

UNO: USA Must Release Former Child-Soldier from Guantanamo

Omar Khadr, a Canadian, was seized by US military forces in Afghanistan in 2002 when he was just 15 years old. For the last seven years, a third of his life, he has been held in the US concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay, much of it in solitary confinement, amid allegations of torture. The United Nations Organization has reiterated demands for his release.

Posted: 9:48:13 AM  

Parents of children with birth defects say Britain knew of US chemical weapons use

British army to be sued for war crimes over its role in Fallujah attacks.

Posted: 9:26:56 AM  

Whatever Happened to the Hole in the Ozone Layer?

The ozone layer has also thinned over the North Pole. This thinning is predicted to continue for the next 15 years due to weather-related phenomena that scientists still cannot fully explain, according to the same UN report.

And, repairing the ozone hole over the South Pole will take longer than previously expected, and won't finish until between 2060 and 2075.
Scientists now understand that the size of the ozone hole varies dramatically from year to year, which complicates attempts to accurately predict the hole's future size.

Read the article in words YOU can understand:

Scientist are only able to explain the phenomena fully in the year 2075 ...

Posted: 9:21:10 AM  

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