Marina's Masters - Channeling

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here:

dinsdag 17 juli 2007
Ramah's Wisdom

Human is still occupied with MONEY

You can see it on the internet:

Buy this, buy that

When Human learns to SHARE in ONEness, in LOVE

'Things' will really flow

Additional message:

When you are spreading the 'spiritual' word or knowledge and you are still focussing on getting money for your 'action', for most people believe THAT is Balance, you are not focussing on Unconditional Love.

Many who 'share' don't know how many people they don't reach because when money is involved, people will go away from their website.
That is said and then this: people who are still learning how to create, will not get the messages when someone is asking money for it.
Most persons who are developing into ONEness, are having the same 'problem': not enough money to get by.

Let alone the energy YOU are giving when you put something on the internet, asking something in return! (money)

THAT is not Unconditional Love.

THAT is not Sharing.

Taking the focus off of wanting to be famous (writer etc) and wanting to be rich while doing that, will help you to get closer to heart, therefore Unconditional Love. It will help you to put your energy elsewhere.
Instead of thinking all day long: how will I get 'clients' (we are ONE family), how will I get money for a session, how will I ... etc ... you can USE your energy in BEING LOVE ...

There are NO CLIENTS.

There is no Hiearchy.

This is The New World.

There is only LOVE.

Ramah once told me: "Am I asking something in return?"

That answer was enough for me.

Still there is that CREATION-THINGIE, I am figuring-out that myself as well!

ENJOY all Spaces, be Love and Abundance (that abundance-thingie is not about money!!!) ...

Posted: 11:10:51 PM  

link to this article:

Fire the Grid

Today is Fire the Grid Day. At 11.11 (GMT) we can meditate together.
To-Gather! CLICK HERE for more Info ...

Why is it that people around the globe are talking about this to be dark stuff. What is dark about Love, Intention, Gathering to cut through the 3-D vast energies?

Sometime its even sillyness, acting like a child: My Light Shines Better Then Yours ...

Get out of MIND FIRST! :-)

Why is it (still)necessary to cut through vast 3-D?
Because WE still don't KNOW who we are.
When we KNOW WE ARE .... PURE LOVE .... We wouldn't be here, There would be no need to gather together ...
When we KNOW WE ARE LOVE, we wouldn't be in FEAR and DOUBT: Is this good or bad, light or dark, should I do this or not ... etc!

On YOUTUBE you will find a few movies with Shelly Yates explaning her story and why we GATHER today.

This is a great 'Learning' because LOVE is NOT what you meditate in one hour, LOVE IS WHAT YOU ARE (all day) ...


Have a Great DaY of LOVE Today - CLICK FOR LOVE and putting the MIND outside the box here ...

What can you do to OPEN your HEARTS to LOVE and BE LOVE (all day):

What would you say when I say: Start with a Spiritual Movie ...
See? You can do so much yourself, no need to ask someone, you can ACT LOVE and get your mind out of the door yourself, to BEcome PEACE.

Is your mind still busy?
Take Another Movie! I, sometimes, have to look at 5 or 6 movies (or listen to music) to get my head clear and to open my heart ...

It's a good way to help yourself into a higher vibration, so ... help yourself. No one was coming to rescue you anyway ...


Posted: 8:10:47 AM  

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