Marina's Masters - Channeling

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here:

vrijdag 6 juli 2007

July 6 , 2007 |


We are still going through some re-structuring and the last few adjustments are still on-going. On Friday, June 29th, an energy alignment occurred that basically asked us what we wanted to do in regard to relationships. Did we want to move forward? Were we happy where we were? Was it time to part or to commit further? Were we ready to stay with this person for the next phase?

The solstice and Mercury retrograde energies asked us to go deep…to excavate anything and most everything that we had yet to deal with. This caused feelings of darkness and confusion. Next, after some releasing and purging, we were then left at a crossroads regarding much. Where were we now? What did we want? Were we ready to commit to certain relationships? Were we ready to keep certain people in our lives, whether they be spouses or even our hired help?

Next came a period of great self-introspection. What did we need to work on in ourselves? What did we need to balance or process? Where could we improve? How do we hold ourselves back? And once again, where did we really want to go and what do we really want in our lives?

All of this caused a temporary roadblock with many of the endeavors that we were currently involved in. Nothing could then go forward until we were very certain about certain things and people in our lives. A great sense of futility was present as well, because not much was flowing effortlessly as we had recently become used to.

You may have felt like giving up, wondering if things would ever change or get better, and even as though something vast and invisible was deliberately blocking your progress.

The energies are currently “out,” in regard to forward movement. This is a wonderful time for journaling, self-care and self-nurturing, doing absolutely nothing, and just basking. It is a time for getting clear about our future plans and our road ahead. For when the energies resume forward movement, we had best be very certain whom we want on board with us and where we are all going.

Our dreams have not blown up in our faces. Our desires and supports have not left us forever. We are simply re-structuring and readying for the next phase of forward movement. If we were to move forward without having been able to examine and restructure, we could have moved forward into a space that was not in our best interest. This is how the universe always lovingly protects us. This is how we know that we are always watched over and how we know that our souls are beautifully guiding us in all ways.

We have recently been given an opportunity to examine much, to think twice, and to realize what we are grateful for.

What really matters to you? If much in your life was lost or destroyed, what would you really want to be left with? What really matters to you in the end? What would you never want to do without?

When these limbo energies eventually pass, we will be grateful for much. We will be much clearer. We will have processed things that had been left on the back-burner. And then, we will be ready to move forward once again…with much more certainty and commitment.

Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.

Until next time,


Posted: 7:57:31 AM  

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