Marina's Masters - Articles

dinsdag, 31 augustus 2010
Aug 30: Atlantis-Lucifer


Atlantis-Lucifer lurks in the Underworld - the abyss - whence it keeps whispering. 'Netherlands' means just that, 'Lowlands' or 'Underworld'.

More literally, we have mines expressing the concept of the Underworld, the subterranean realm. Hence the Chilean mine accident/survival drama commencing on August 23, where 33 trapped miners were miraculously discovered alive inside the collapse mine... i.e. after the 'destruction of Atlantis'!

A 'Noah' event...

Why Chile? Again, it stems from the Atlas/World Cup. There was a total solar eclipse on July 11 during the final game with a plotted path terminating right in the 'Bigfoot land' (Patagonia) Chile and Argentina.

Chile was also the target of one of this year's mega- earthquakes back on February 27. Draw a straight line from the Feb 27 orbital position of Earth through the Sun and you find its 'mirror date' ~September 1st. We are already cognisant of the fact that it will coincide with the start of 'Operation New Dawn' in Iraq.

Not at all a coincidence that we had the entire month of August drenched by the historic flood disaster in Pakistan. (Starting around July 30 and now finally receding.) I'm already acutely aware of the fact that an amazing revelation lurks there, but that's for another time. Something 'impossible' yet undeniable...

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Posted: 10:36:04 AM  
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