Marina's Masters - Articles

maandag 21 april 2008

ZEITGEIST - THE MOVIE - Dutch subtitles

In Follow Up on the "posting today" about the upcoming movie:
BLOODLINE, let us not forget that there are more 'flows-of-truth' and 'ways-to-get-there' (or here) ...
At 30 minutes into the Zeitgeist movie is explained how 'they' see the bible, church, christianity, egypt and such.
BLOODLINE will provide us with other pieces of the puzzle, as long as you see the game for what it is; just a game ... then we can grow together, whatever way you've chosen to walk, all is well. Lets not go into the DIVIDE AND CONQUER-part: My Light shines better than yours, etc.
Its all a Great Mystery. Be a part and add to the whole!
We are all one (heart) beating drums of Love.

Posted: 10:19:07 PM  
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Click on this image to view clips.

Bloodline - The Movie

Next month will see the theatrical release of the already controversial Documentary Film Bloodline the Movie.
This project by the American Director-Producer duo Bruce Burgess and Rene Barnett deals with the alleged discoveries of British researcher Ben Hammott, formerly known as The Tombman.

It is claimed that in the tomb Hammott discovered, there's a 2.000 year old mummy from the Middle-East, possibly Mary-Magdalene. Hammott is not the only one who makes these claims.

In the clips, long time French researchers like Gerard Thom and Daniel Duges display why they think there's a Jewish temple under one of the mountains in the Rennes-les-Bains area that might contain the bodies of not only Mary-Magdalene, but also Christ and their children.

Bloodline - The

Opus Dei - the THOUGHT of saturday april 19, 2008.

Mystery Evolve - a MarinasMastersMovie (with clues?)

Thought for Today (april 21, 2008)

Posted: 4:42:13 PM  
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BBC - Atlantis Reborn Again

Part 1 of 5

BBC tries to debunk Graham Hancock's work.

Part 2 and more

Posted: 11:38:33 AM  
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Decoding the Past

Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle

Since the 15th century, the Bermuda Triangle has mysteriously vanished an untold number of ships, planes and lives with three more known incidents in 2004.

Also known as the Devil's Triangle, it is a triangular area in the Atlantic Ocean bound roughly at its points by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico.

Depending on to whom one speaks, the size of the triangle varies from 500,000 miles to three times that size. It has inspired fear and speculation of evil forces, monsters, magnetic fields and even UFOs.

The History Channel explores new theories about one of the most enduring mysteries in the world, using today's scientific knowledge and investigative techniques. Computer graphics, highly stylized recreations, and underwater cameras will dramatically visualize the accidents as well as investigate the possible causes and explanations.

On-camera interviews with both skeptics and believers will help lay out the facts and opinions of the cases. Can the latest science available today finally lay to rest the mysteries of the Triangle?

Link to this movie

Posted: 7:08:45 AM  
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