Penis Size versus Penile Skills
The average size of an erect penis is approximately five and a half inches long.
Unfortunately, most men are uncomfortable with their penis size and they feel that their penises should be longer than the ruler they use to measure them. Since men have a natural need to feel competitive about their penis sizes, a bit of penis paranoia is perfectly normal. However, normal is not the equivalent is not equivalent of necessary.
Most men have the misconceived notion that penis size matters a lot.
The truth is that size really does matter - but usually only to men.
Though there are certainly some women out there who are concerned with the size of a man's penis, most women are far more concerned with what a man can do with his penis. In other words, penis size is far less important than penile skills. This is especially true since most women barely feel any sensitivity after an object penetrates past the first third of their vaginas, where majority of the nerve sensors are located.
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