Darkworkers, Lightworkers, and Levels of Consciousness
The original descriptions of the levels of consciousness are lightworker-biased. For a darkworker the level of unconditional love is directed inwardly as love of self. It's like a highly concentrated form of arrogance. It may not be expressed outwardly in the form of a smug attitude, but inwardly the person comes to embrace the idea that s/he is the most important person on earth and should act accordingly. Honoring this perspective can actually lead to a state of peace that is virtually the opposite of humility.
While some might label the darkworker path as evil path, I dislike using words like good or evil to describe these paths. They're really two different sides of the same coin. A darkworker experiences unconditional love by recognizing that s/he is God, adopting a life of service to self. A lightworker learns to see God in others, adopting a life of service to what s/he perceives to be the greater good.
Ultimately these two paths lead to the same place. The lower the level of consciousness, the more distinct they seem. As you go up in levels, the dividing line becomes blurrier, and the actions of lightworkers and darkworkers become increasingly similar. This is because ultimately service to self and service to others become the same thing once you reach the level of awareness to recognize it.
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Posted: 5:40:07 PM link to this article: http://www.marinasmasters.com/2006/categories/articles/2008/01/01.html#a3453