Marina's Masters - Articles

maandag 19 maart 2007
The Fall of Montsegur

On March 17, a date now celebrated everywhere as St. Patrick's Day - the day that St. Patrick drove the Serpents from the Blessed Isle, was the same date in 1244 that many of the perfecti of the gnostic Cathars were burned to death after the fall of their fortress of Montsegur to the siege of the Inquisition.

Brings back a lot of memory-flashes for many people ...

Posted: 10:56:08 PM  
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The message from Ananda

A channeled message, author unknown (to me). Thanks Jim.

This is the first part of that which gradually will form a complete message to the whole of mankind. We have now reached the time when all prophecies will be fulfilled, all old promises met. The time of joy, which now is near, is impossible to imagine today but it will soon commence.

All journeys start with a short step, this one as well. Today something is going to take place that will be significant and influential for a long time ahead. The strivings of mankind will get a completely new aim and direction and a new era will begin. Each opening is difficult but the effects will gradually become visible. Let us just be heard again, and all can happen. Everything in the old prophecies will now be fulfilled. The Kingdom of the Spirit will be founded on earth and the hosts of God will come down for the last battle. It is not a war between brothers but a spiritual war that is near. Everything that previously has happened in the Kingdom of Mat­ter now will take place in the Kingdom of the Spirit.

The joy at what is happening is so great here with us. Our efforts will be crowned with suc­cess and our great work will at last triumph. The road has certainly been long thus far, but finally we have reached the goal. The real work can begin. We are so anxious that the children of earth should have an opportunity to develop in the direction that has been preserved in their genetic code all the time. Evolution is indeed engraved on man’s innermost structure and it is inevitable. But one can of course struggle oneself against it or speed it up. The free will of man is always in command in the first place.

Man’s free will is a gift given by God in the creation. Without it everything would have been meaningless. But it also is something that has to be cultivated, steered in the right direction and this is what we term the Evolution. It is the fact that every individual should develop in his full potential, to what he was meant to be.

It is a great truth that every soul going down into an incarnation has a special mission. It should develop in order to take an additional step towards the final goal that has been defined all the time. To be allowed to join with the Deity in all its glory. An association that ultimately aims at giving man a divine status, if it is possible that this can be understood from a terrestrial point of view.

To be one with God involves having access to the divine store of knowledge and learning. This may appear as a small part of what one can believe it means to be divine. But this is the key to everything else. To know is to have the ability. Knowledge without faith is in turn only corruptibility. Knowledge will come to the one who is ready to receive it. It is sent from the Divine pastures down to the children of earth, and they only have to open their minds and receive our gifts.

We really want to give all we can and we are constantly striving for everything to improve, to be increasingly in harmony with the Deity. But improvement can sometimes wrongly be taken for deterioration, decline. Still, a big crisis in the history of mankind always has involved a change, something of great importance and necessity has happened. Historically all crises were of benefit, they signified necessary purging and changes.

Today the crisis is not on the material level but on the spiritual. The spiritual hunger, starva­tion, can be traced all over the earth. In the behaviour of the masses there is such a great hunger for spiritual enlightenment that it now expresses itself in something which really can be inter­preted as an illness. People are so mislead in their spirituality that they have lost all judgement in this area. One clings to any self-appointed master. The individual inner rule is missing and because of that one seeks external support from different types of authorities all the time. But now is the time for human­ity to grow up.

We want every individual to reach his full potential, and it can only happen using his or her own, inner way. The way the great Masters always have talked about. Not to slavishly obey certain external decrees, but to find one’s own confidence and strength by really knowing oneself. And how should this happen? You must be aware of that this is a very long process, some­thing that will take many human lifetimes to fulfil. But at the same time, every moment of each lifetime is important for this process to proceed. One should not tremble at this thought, because human life as such is the best school for spiritual improvement. Each step ahead makes a basis for the next, and each step, however simple it may seem, is necessary. To be one with the Deity means to become one’s true self.

We are all meant to be perfect in the meaning that we then are fulfilling what is programmed in the genetic code. But every soul also has its unique duty in the great work. Each and every one is important, yes invaluable, for everything to become as it once was intended. This implies that all of us have an immense responsibility for other people and for ourselves. We must not waste the possibility of development we have got in the ongoing incarnation. We can never know what our duty is in the present situation and what we have to learn during this step, but all possibilities of development are given to us by the circumstances we are placed in.

There is a loving will, which is always concerned about the best for everyone. You will not always get what you want, but you should always be sure to get what you need. It is a great truth that we should humbly accept what life has to give us, as we then get the best benefit out of every gift. Eve­ryone knows how difficult this can be, but all of us also know that we perceive the whole in quite a new way when we look back on what has happened. In the middle of a situa­tion, the courses of events are experienced as unconnected and without mutual consistency and meaning. But the big picture is completely different. Everything has a meaning. The smallest, seemingly random phenomenon can bring about effects for a long time ahead. What happens in everyday life always is the best training, because life is knowledge. In life the knowledge is built-in.

Deep inside we always know what is best for us, but if we don’t have the inner strength we will never manage to choose the best way for us personally. To build up one’s strength and independence must be everyone’s duty. This is certainly happening more or less automatically, but we can also choose to open or close ourselves to different types of influences.

If we listen to what we innermost know is right, we can guide our own development and in this way we can advance faster. The day one has total contact with this inner voice one also has total freedom. Then, nothing external can disturb the inner development any longer. One will instinctively know what it is meaningful to devote one’s time and life to. One can prioritize without hurting those around, and one will know when it is time to change the direction of life. But a lack of inner contact gives confusion and often leads to physical illnesses and problems in the long run. It may seem hard to lay the responsibility for health on the individual, but it is everyone’s duty to take care of body and soul.

But you also know that crises and problems are gifts to help you go forward. A physical complaint is often a message about something being wrong in your way of life. Of course there are more or less random courses of disease, but the body is an unfailing barometer for mental health. “A sound soul in a sound body” is an age-old truth that can sound obvious, but which in fact contains a deep truth. If the soul is healthy, so is the body, and vice versa. Every action that hurts the soul also harms the body, and when the body is hurt the soul will suffer.

The soul is the part of a person that is indestructible, but this does not mean that it is invulnerable. A soul can be tyrannized and hurt, tied up in bonds and suppressed. But the soul could also been seen as the innermost being telling us what is right, if only we listen to it. It has access to all wisdom, and a soul that is allowed to fully express itself in the body is perfect.

The body is the dwelling-place of the soul and its dearest property. But if you deprive the soul of the control over the body, it will become homeless and unhappy. It will help itself if it gets the opportunity, but if external circumstances disturb too much, it will be deprived of this control and physical illness will be the consequence. To know oneself and to listen to oneself is essential for a happy life. It does not mean to listen to the smallest whim that the ego expresses, but to really bring forward what is deepest in man and to let that govern all that happens.

One can always find oneself but it is a heavy task. There are no short cuts, but the whole development must be run through. But everyone has taken each step, and everybody will sooner or later walk the way to its end. It is true we all are on different levels but we must have humility and hope. The humility to understand that we all, no matter how far we have come, once stood at the beginning and hope that we all, no matter how far we have left, one day will reach the goal. The goal is that the self should be allowed to burst into blossom in full freedom, and at that point we will also be ready for the next step of the cosmic journey. Karma has had its day and the personality can be shed for what is eternal.

We cannot really understand this until we stand there, but nevertheless we have to work towards the goal. And the knowledge exists, it has always been proclaimed but we have been very reluctant to listen to it, because the work required does not give any immediate reward on earth. At heart we all know the truth but layer after layer of dust-dense matter-constellations conceal it. The truth wants to work its way up, but it is hindered by all the experiences the person has accumulated during its way on earth.

This may seem strange, life on earth is in fact a necessary school, but it means that the experiences must be worked on, be transformed in an improvement process. What seems to be something bad must be transformed into something good. What is a bitter experience must be changed into a success. Hate has to be transformed into love. All work in the domain of the soul consists of such transformations. The soul is the true alchemist, and if it is allowed to work in freedom, it will transform lead into gold, worthless matter into invaluable riches.

How this can happen actually is a great secret, but the time has come when we can reveal this wealth of knowledge, which until now has been hidden in a few enlightened persons’ consciousness. Now the time has come for the large masses to get access to these invaluable treasures. Not until one has acquired this knowledge, can one reach the goal. And now this is going to be transferred to the large group consciousness, to the whole population of the earth. We always take the long term, but now and then we allow a greater step forward, and this is such a time.

We have always taken part in the development of earth, but until now this has been completely hidden to most people. Today however, we are prepared to start to appear more openly, to give a more direct guidance and education. We cannot allow the development to go on as before now is the time to give our children a more direct help on their way towards perfection.


Posted: 5:02:23 PM  
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