E - book 2, The Ascended Masters
chapter 34
Unconditional Love (2)
As we continue our lessons of Love, we will assist you becoming Unconditional Love.
As in: the words you think, speak and listen-to.
All of what you are is Love. The thing is: How do I Practice what I want to be? : Love.
We say it again: Just Be Love.
And, well, there it is: We find our self’s having some problems with THAT.
But, dear Hearts, it is NOT a problem. It is your SOUL, your Spirit, your SPIRIT-SOUL, who is leading you the way.
However, if we want to assist you, we will try to explain to you, lessons which you will experience.
Take this example: What would LOVE do, if you find yourself in a situation of Letting-Go?
There are so many situations when One must Let-Go: Let go of your partner, let go of your Job, let go of....please, feel free to fill in what YOU are facing, perhaps it is another situation...
Tell your self this: What should (or COULD) LOVE do ?
When you think of the lesson in The Ascended Masters 33, the Christ-Consciousness, you can take in perspective: I Serve Myself AND I Serve the Other.
WHAT would LOVE do ?
HOLD-ON to what YOU believe is right?
HOLD-ON to the OLD situation, because you are accustomed to that?
HOLD-ON to the other person, because you are afraid to be alone?
We embrace you with Love, you ARE Love.
Go inside, there is your answer, and if you need assistance, ask.
Just ASK.
You will get your answers.
Posted: 8:02:30 AM link to this article: http://www.marinasmasters.com/2006/categories/articles/2007/03/14.html#a973