Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

vrijdag, 5 maart 2010
Today Iran, Tomorrow Who?

In the Middle East, warships, aircraft carriers and submarines are moving or preparing to move. The situation is very worrying. There are reports being received that there is an increase of activities which is not just rhetoric. A journalist, and well qualified with many contacts in the Middle East, Albelbari Atwan, notes a great silence about the movements for peace while at the same time a mobility out of normal daily life is observed in relation to the concentration of military and naval maneuvers in the Arabian Gulf.
He also said that alliances and alignments are similar to those of March 2003, before the war with Iraq.

Putting it without preamble. Experience shows that the United States, Israel and NATO are preparing a new war.

Posted: 9:46:48 AM  

Were short warm periods typical for transitions between interglacial and glacial epochs?

Researchers evaluate climate fluctuations from 115,000 years ago.

Posted: 9:43:00 AM  

Freemasons - its no secret - video

Posted: 9:35:28 AM  

Gunman opened fire at Pentagon subway entrance

A GUNMAN has opened fire at the teeming subway entrance to the Pentagon military headquarters complex, wounding two military police officers before being shot.

Posted: 9:26:36 AM  

Chile, Taiwan, Haiti, Japan - 6-plus earthquakes in the last 48 hours

Chile, Taiwan, Haiti, and Japan all have had 6-plus earthquakes in the last week, with Haiti experiencing a major aftershock after the 7.0 Haiti Earthquake. Whatever is going on, it's now clear to many that the World is experiencing large earthquakes at a greater rate.

Posted: 9:23:54 AM  

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