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zaterdag 28 november 2009
Police Spying On Protesters Stirs Outrage in Britain

Equally chilling were the so-called "spotter cards" (like this one) used by police to identify individuals who might "instigate offenses or disorder" at demonstrations. Does that look like something out of "The Stasi Files" or what?

Earlier this week, it also came to light that undercover police were secretly deployed at the G20 meetings in early April. Some 25 undercover City of London police were stationed around the Bank of England to gather intelligence on protesters.

And there's more. Last month, the Guardian also broke a story on the government-sponsored-program Prevent. This 140-million-pound scheme was ostensibly designed to dissuade Muslim youth from engaging in violent extremism. But it was simultaneously gathering information on the political views and sexual practices of innocent Muslims not even suspected of terrorist activity.

Posted: 10:41:11 AM  

From Their Own Mouths: Global Warming is a Fraud (and much more info)

"Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun." - Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University

"A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal." - Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major UN donor

Posted: 10:38:10 AM  

Vaccine Testing Subject Dies?

Axel Sch made national news in August of 2009 when he had what is euphemistically described as a "negative" reaction to the H1N1 flue vaccine.

In Early October of 2009 the newspapers Abendzeitung and Prinz, both German papers with a Munich centered circulation, reported the death of one Alex Sch in their obituary sections.

Oddly, both papers reported the death in their print editions, but not online.

Posted: 10:30:52 AM  

Dutch article:

De zon is bijna dood

Dutch astronomer Kees de Jager says the sun is nearly dead.

Posted: 10:20:45 AM  

Vaccine Miscarriage Horror Stories - Dr. Mercola (subscription needed)

The source links above contain personal stories of heartbreak - women who lost their babies just hours or days after getting the H1N1 vaccine this year. Naturally, the standard comeback is that miscarriages are commonplace, and surely have nothing to do with the vaccine. However, to simply dismiss these events as 'coincidences' is a serious mistake.

Posted: 10:17:00 AM  

Genetically enhance humanity or face extinction


Genetically enhance humanity or face extinction - PART 1 from Ethics of the New Biosciences on Vimeo.

Posted: 12:53:53 AM  


China expert warns of pandemic flu mutation

WHO reported more than 526,060 laboratory confirmed cases of H1N1 worldwide on November 15, with at least 6,770 deaths. However, it has stressed for months now that the figures were only the tip of the iceberg.

It urged countries to place more resources on mitigating the disease rather then on costly prevention measures or testing everyone. All WHO and the U.S. CDC will say is that "millions" have been infected.

Posted: 12:47:41 AM  

Mutilated Farm Animals Most Likely Victims of UFO Experiments

The most mutilations occurred in 1975 – 1976, the worst of them found in the US.
In 2009, cattle mutilators came back.

Posted: 12:43:48 AM  

George: So heady ... ehm, handy...

Intel wants a chip implant in your brain

Intel believes its customers would be willing to have a chip implanted in their brains so they could operate computers without the need for a keyboard or mouse using thoughts alone. The implant could also be used to operate devices such as cell phones, TVs and DVDs.

George: I want to see the news, now .... click ...
Read this too:

Pomerleau said that with human beings and machines converging in many ways, people will want to give up the need for an interface such as a keyboard, mouse or remote control and operate the devices using their brain waves. Pomerleau believes that some time within the next decade or so people will be "more committed" to the idea of the brain implants.

George: It will be on the news... how heady that is ... ehm ...sorry, handy.. to have your brain chipped ...
It's like the flu ... very contagious ...

Posted: 12:34:07 AM  

Bacteria from Mars found inside ancient meteorite

"If the features turn out to have an extraterrestrial, biological origin and were not formed during the 13,000 years the meteorite spent lying on Earth, this will have profound implications for our understanding of how life evolved in the solar system."

Posted: 12:31:55 AM  

Revealing 1929 Magazine Article By Lord Birkenhead - NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN

Today, people are so overwhelmed with the amount of information and disinformation and just sheer data. They don’t know what to make of it all. They often end up in a bigger confusion than the one they started with, chasing rainbows, false leads and trying to make sense.The human mind, each individual has a logic which depends upon incoming data.

Posted: 12:30:27 AM  

Dubai in deep water as ripples from debt crisis spread

Fears of a dangerous new phase in the economic crisis swept around the globe yesterday as traders responded to the shock announcement that a debt-laden Dubai state corporation was unable to meet its interest bill.

911 ...

Posted: 12:21:11 AM  

George: Yeah, what would you say??

Secret Service: Crashers posed no danger to Obama

The Secret Service maintains that President Barack Obama was never in danger at a state dinner after an uninvited Virginia couple got through security, but it wouldn't comment on whether anyone is screened for radiological or biological weapons.

George: Maybe Obama will get the swineflu vaccination now ....

Posted: 12:19:53 AM  

Hindu sacrifice of 250,000 animals begins


Don't be such a HYPOCRITE.

How many animals do you EAT (and didn't kill yourself ...actually...) ?
That's all I have to say about this subject.


Posted: 12:15:21 AM  

Brzezinski Suggests False Flag Event Could Kick-Start Iran War

Former National Security Advisor and founding member of the Trilateral Commission Zbigniew Brzezinski tacitly warned a Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week that an attack on Iran could be launched following a staged provocation in Iraq or a false flag terror attack within the U.S.

Posted: 12:01:19 AM  

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