Marina's Masters - Latest News

donderdag 5 november 2009
H1N1 vaccine shortage fabricated to create hysteria, boost demand?

There's a fascinating book by author Robert Cialdini called Influence - The Psychology of Persuasion.
As someone who frequently writes about Big Pharma's social engineering tactics, I've read and studied many of these tactics, noting carefully how governments and Big Business use them to wage disinformation campaigns against the People.

Posted: 11:53:59 PM  

Former UK ambassador: CIA sent people to be raped with broken bottles - with video - (which is a ABSOLUTE MUST SEE!)

"I'm talking of people being raped with broken bottles," he said at a lecture late last month that was re-broadcast by the Real News Network. "I'm talking of people having their children tortured in front of them until they sign a confession. I'm talking of people being boiled alive. And the intelligence from these torture sessions was being received by the CIA, and was being passed on."

Former UK ambassador: CIA sent people to be ‘raped with broken bottles’

By Daniel Tencer Wednesday, November 4th, 2009 -- 3:31 pm Share on Facebook Stumble This!

craigmurray Former UK ambassador: CIA sent people to be raped with broken bottlesThe CIA relied on intelligence based on torture in prisons in Uzbekistan, a place where widespread torture practices include raping suspects with broken bottles and boiling them alive, says a former British ambassador to the central Asian country.

Craig Murray, the rector of the University of Dundee in Scotland and until 2004 the UK's ambassador to Uzbekistan, said the CIA not only relied on confessions gleaned through extreme torture, it sent terror war suspects to Uzbekistan as part of its extraordinary rendition program.

"I'm talking of people being raped with broken bottles," he said at a lecture late last month that was re-broadcast by the Real News Network. "I'm talking of people having their children tortured in front of them until they sign a confession. I'm talking of people being boiled alive. And the intelligence from these torture sessions was being received by the CIA, and was being passed on."

Suspects in Uzbekistan's gulags "were being told to confess to membership in Al Qaeda. They were told to confess they'd been in training camps in Afghanistan. They were told to confess they had met Osama bin Laden in person. And the CIA intelligence constantly echoed these themes."

"I was absolutely stunned -- it changed my whole world view in an instant -- to be told that London knew (the intelligence) coming from torture, that it was not illegal because our legal advisers had decided that under the United Nations convention against torture, it is not illegal to obtain or use intelligence gained from torture as long as we didn't do the torture ourselves," Murray said.

Posted: 11:49:34 PM  

Maricopa County Sheriff's employee takes documents from defense attorney

Bad sound quality but a must watch and REtweet!

Link to this movie

Posted: 11:45:25 PM  

Movie for NOW

Uploaded by MarinaOfLight. -

Re-Veil, Reveal, Lift Up the Veil ...
see through the illusions and step into higher consciousness.

Maybe you feel a little out of bound, in between both worlds?

Feel, see, love and share ....

Posted: 10:26:00 PM  

On Magda Havas . com you will find information related to the subject of electromagnetic fields (EMF) that originate from our use of electricity and wireless communication technologies.

The subjects we are mainly concerned with are the harmful health effects that EMFs have on human health, wildlife, and nature.

Posted: 11:08:21 AM  

Interphone: U.K. "Telegraph" Jumps the Gun

October 28 ... Saturday's lead story in the Telegraph made believe that the U.K. daily had gotten hold of the much-delayed and much sought-after final results of the Interphone study - and that they showed that using a cell phone does indeed increase the risk of developing a brain tumor.

Posted: 11:00:48 AM  


Arctic sky watchers should be alert for Northern Lights on Nov. 5th. NOAA forecasters say there is a chance that a coronal mass ejection (CME) will hit Earth's magnetic field, and the impact could spark a high-latitude geomagnetic storm.

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded this movie of the CME:

The billon-ton cloud was blown into space by departing sunspot 1029 on Oct. 31st.

Normally, CMEs take only two or three days to reach Earth, but during the deep solar minimum of 2008-2009, the clouds have slowed to a veritable crawl (~350 km/s, down from 700 to 1000 km/s). Crossing the sun-Earth divide now requires about five days, so an Oct. 31st CME should arrive on Nov. 5th.

Because the blast was not squarely Earth-directed, the sluggish CME will deliver at most a glancing blow.

NOAA forecasters estimate a 5% chance of strong geomagnetic storms around Earth's poles.

Posted: 8:00:30 AM  

Photoshop Contest on ARTICLES


Posted: 7:52:59 AM  

Flu outrunning vaccine, experts say

Two state and city public health officials briefing Congress on Wednesday said they don't expect to have enough pandemic-flu vaccine to meet the needs of their high-priority population groups until well into December, and possibly not until January.

Interesting 'move' ...

Posted: 7:39:32 AM  

FOREX-Dollar pressured by Fed's pledge on low rates

The U.S. dollar was under pressure on Thursday, moving towards recent multi-month lows on a basket of currencies, after the U.S. Federal Reserve's reiterated its committment to keep rates low for months to come.

COMMENT to go with this article is "ShowDown" ...(I don't know what this word means ... so email me to 'help' me out connect the word to the article ...)

Posted: 7:38:21 AM  

Storm batters Vietnam

At least 90 people have been killed in flooding in central Vietnam sparked by Tropical Storm Mirinae, which slammed into the country after pummelling the Philippines, officials said today.

Posted: 7:29:26 AM  

Information on the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infections and their complications - translated through google - Ukraine

Posted: 7:25:56 AM  

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