Marina's Masters - Latest News

donderdag 13 november 2008
Friday's InspirationPeak

When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light.
Give thanks for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living.

And if perchance you see no reason for giving thanks, rest assured the fault is in yourself.

Chief Tecumseh
Shawnee Indian Chief

Posted: 11:57:22 PM  

Daily Tzolkin | on channeling

Tone: 13 - Ascension
Sun Sign: Crocodile (IMIX) - (6th Day of Galactic cycle)

Posted: 11:38:41 PM  

Energy saving enlightenment (flow in the now):

THE MAYAN SIXTH DAY Begins on November 13, 2008

11th of 13 Heavens (7 Days and 6 Nights of Creation) of the Galactic Cycle

The Sixth Day heralds a time of flowering for the plant - awakening, unfolding, opening up to new possibilities. Most scholars use the words 'enlightenment' and 'renaissance' to define this creative period. Historically, the Sixth Day on other levels or cycles corresponded to the invention of tools, first attempts at agriculture and building shelter; the European Renaissance itself; and the flower children movement of the 1960's.

Posted: 11:35:23 PM  

Life in the Higher Realms| on articles

* You are no longer interested in spiritual gatherings, group meditations, or the New Age arena in general. You have come to realize that 'intentional spirituality' is not really real and does not 'stick.' The truth of the matter is, we are spiritual 24/7 no matter what we are doing. Forced spirituality removes us from the world and places us in artificial situations where we are not really being, but 'trying' to be . In the higher realms, we are simply living our lives and experiencing.

Posted: 4:35:48 PM  

On the BBC homepage TODAY:

Printscreen-13-11-2008Insight: 'Bretton Woods Two'?

A deep-seated global crisis is often a chance to redraw the map, reflecting shifts in the balance of power in different ways.

Posted: 1:46:35 PM  

Dutch Parliament to Consider Forcing 'Unfit Mothers' to Take Contraception

Under the proposed legislation, a woman judged unfit who refuses to take contraception and becomes pregnant would have her child taken away at birth. The infant then would be placed in a foster home.

Posted: 1:30:29 PM  


Rudd Government's internet filter to block up to 10,000 'unwanted' sites

Mr Jacobs said the civil liberties group was also concerned at what would be deemed "unwanted content".

Posted: 1:21:51 PM  

Vision Statements:

I r a q W a r E n d s

Troops to Return Immediately

Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom were brought to an unceremonious close today.


* Court Indicts Bush on High Treason Charge

* Ex-Secretary Apologizes for W.M.D. Scare

* All Public Universities To Be Free

Posted: 1:13:41 PM  

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