Marina's Masters - Latest News

maandag 3 november 2008
Lawyers Increase Chances Of Czech Rejection Of Dead Lisbon On Nov 10th

'The paragraph 7 is a dragon's egg that will enable the EU to transform from an supranational institution to a superstate,' Vermirovsky concludes.

Posted: 11:31:18 PM  

CNN: U.S. Is Funding Iranian Nuclear Program | with video

The U.S. is literally funding Iranian nuclear capabilities.
As CNN reports, the U.S. state department has given millions of dollars to two Russian institutes which, in turn, are directly helping to ramp up Iran's nuke capacity at Bushehr and other facilities.

This is especially ironic given that the U.S. has accused Iran of producing fuel for nuclear weapons at Bushehr.

Posted: 11:24:08 PM  

'Care changes will boost homelessness'

Planned changes to the AWBZ national insurance system for long-term care could lead to thousands of people becoming homeless, the emergency care federation said in a letter to junior health minister Jet Bussemaker on Monday.

The changes, aimed at saving €800m, mean that people with a light physical or mental handicap will no longer be entitled to help to allow them to live independently, the federation says.

Posted: 11:19:57 PM  


Over the weekend, sunspot 1007 grew into a substantial active region with two planet-sized cores connected by dark magnetic filaments thousands of kilometers long. The ensemble bears a curious resemblence to the pipe of Sherlock Holmes: "It's filamentary, my dear Watson!" says Alan Friedman who sends this picture from his backyard observatory in Buffalo, New York:

The high latitude and magnetic polarity of sunspot 1007 identify it as a member of new Solar Cycle 24.
This is the fourth new-cycle sunspot to breach the sun's surface in the past month. In a year of almost no sunspots, four is significant. It means that the sun is beginning a slow ascent out of solar minimum to a more active phase of the sunspot cycle.
Solar minimum is not a permanent condition!

Posted: 11:14:23 PM  

EU Set to Move 'Internet of Things' Closer to Reality

The Internet of Things consists of objects that are 'tagged' with Radio Frequency Identification Chips (RFID) that communicate their position, history, and other information to an RFID reader or wireless network.
Most, if not all major computer companies and technology developers (HP, Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, etc.) are putting large amounts of time and money into the Internet of Things.

Posted: 10:57:48 PM  

Expert's fear over cervical cancer vaccine

MASS vaccination of Scottish schoolgirls against cervical cancer should have been delayed because not enough is known about possible side effects, a leading researcher claimed last night.

Educate SELF and search in this site for VACCINATIONS...

Posted: 10:56:28 PM  

Dry mushrooms could slow climate change

The dry mushrooms' ability to decrease carbon emissions might offset 10 percent of the entire amount of carbon dioxide released by human activities, Allison said.

Posted: 10:53:33 PM  

Humans may soon visit Mars

'The idea is really like in Star Trek, when Scottie turns on a shield to protect the starship Enterprise from proton beams - it's almost identical really,' Bob Bingham of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford told said.

Posted: 10:42:43 PM  


'I went back to check it, it had not recorded my presidential vote!' Says terrified, potentially disenfranchised Queen of Television...
NOW UPDATED with much more useful info for Oprah and others who do not understand these Voting Systems, or what to do if the same thing happens to you...

Note from MM:
Anyone with more info on this subject, pls write us ... thank you

Posted: 10:31:03 AM  

Flying Elephants Presents

"Ashes and Snow"

Part 1

Link to this movie and Part 2

Posted: 8:02:32 AM  

A New Dream

Link to this movie

Posted: 7:50:01 AM  

Daily Motivator

State of focus

To be highly effective in what you do, enter a special state of being that you can create with your own intention. Enter a state of focus.

In this state, trivial outside events do not have the power to distract or annoy you. You simply accept them, move past them, and continue working on what's truly important to you.

In your focused state, there is no hesitation or worry about getting it wrong. You move ahead with steady, persistent efforts, knowing that even the mistakes will lead to learning and improvements.

Always with you in your state of focus is a clear and authentic sense of purpose. The energy to keep going and to keep focused comes from remembering why.

When you are focused you are curious, flexible, and open to new ways of creating value. At the same time, you're able to keep yourself solidly on track toward the specific goals you have chosen.

Enter a peaceful, powerful focused state. And make good things happen for your whole world.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 7:31:48 AM  

Then There Was The Pim Fortuyn Assassination

The killing campaign started on March 1, 2001 when paedophile hunter in the Dutroux affair, Jean-Jacques Feront, died of an apparent heart attack. Four weeks later, Nadege Renard, ex-girlfriend of high society brothel keeper in Charleroi Jean Pol Taminiau - who was assassinated in 1995 - apparently committed most belated suicide.

In May, Pierre-Paul 'Pepe' De Rycke, owner of the fascist Jonathan Club who knew Nihoul quite well, committed suicide too apparently.
More important, in November, Philippe Deleuze, brother-in-law of Judge Van Espen, and a partner in the legal firm of Boutyal and Nihoul, died from a strange disease.

Posted: 7:29:27 AM  

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