Marina's Masters - Latest News

zaterdag 13 september 2008
R E D - I C E - C R E A T I O N S

Rik Clay - The Cosmic Mind: Zion 2012 Olympics

Researcher Rik Clay (who is behind the blog "The Cosmic Mind" joins us to discuss his findings about the Zion Olympics in London leading up to the end game year 2012. Rik presents his thesis in this very interesting two segment program.

We begin to discuss how Rik got into the subject matter and then go into the connection with numerology and synchronicity.

Topics Discussed:

11:11, pyramid numerology, Solar Eclipse, September Eleventh, The Birth of Christ, Zion, Summer Olympics 1972 Munich, 1984 Los Angeles, Eye Symbolism, Corporate Symbolism, Joining of Islam and Christianity, Angel Gabriel, William Blake, Wally Olins and much more.

Join us in the members section as we continue our discussion with Rik about the 2012 Olympics and how this event in a ritualistic way is connect with zion and the "end game messiah".

Download the files onto your computer, you know why... stay Alert ...

C L I C K here to go to the page on Red Ice Creations and download and listen to the interviews.

Posted: 10:39:51 PM  

'Catastrophic' storm nears US | with video

There is widespread flooding, and a hospital there is under at least 9.8ft (3 metres of water). The city has lost power and a number of houses are reported to be on fire.

Posted: 4:20:21 PM  


This weekend's full Moon (Sept. 14/15) has a special name - the Harvest Moon.

It's the full moon closest to the northern autumnal equinox (Sept. 22).

In years past, farmers depended on the light of the Harvest Moon to gather ripening crops late into the night.

Post-Edison, we appreciate it mainly for its beauty.

Be alert in the nights ahead for Harvest Moon "halos", "coronas" and "dogs".

Posted: 11:01:50 AM  


Gasoline rises on Ike, but crude dips below $100

The fact that U.S. fuel demand is so weak right now might mean the recent surge in the wholesale price of gasoline - which rose to about $4.85 a gallon in the Gulf Coast market Friday - might not be passed along to consumers unless Ike's impact is severe and long-lasting.

Can someone please explain to me what is going on?

Posted: 10:59:14 AM  

Quote for Today

The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.

Hannah Arendt, author

Posted: 10:50:44 AM  

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