Marina's Masters - Latest News

woensdag 10 september 2008
Ocean Air Meditation

Link to this movie

Guided Meditation | Same movie but with words to meditate ...

Posted: 11:52:50 PM  

Daily Motivator

Good and tired

Being tired from doing something feels a whole lot better than being tired of doing nothing. If you're going to be tired at the end of each day, then make it really count for something.

If you're weary, perhaps it's not because you're doing too much. Perhaps it's because you're not at all invested in what you're doing.

A difficult challenge that's aligned with your purpose will generate far more energy in you than an easy task that has no real meaning for you. You can accomplish much more when what you're accomplishing is what you care about.

When your body is tired, a good night's sleep will revive you. When you're spirit is weary, you'll need something more.

You have a unique voice and a unique purpose that are longing to be expressed. Start living that expression and you'll find an endless source of energy flowing through your life.

Get yourself good and tired with focused, disciplined work on a purpose that connects with who you truly are. And you'll find that each day you have even more energy than the day before.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 11:46:22 PM  

Now, we all know that 'anger' (or disgust) adds only more to the 'problem'...

Olbermann's Disgust with the Neocon 'Tribute' to 9/11 | with video

Near the conclusion of the video here, Keith Olbermann voices his disgust with the neocons for their shameless exploitation of the victims of September 11, 2001. Olbermann is of course spot on, but there is so much more about this 'tribute' he does not mention.

Email MM - anyone who has more info on this:

Keith Olbermann's disgust with this shameful exploitation of the 9/11 dead has resulted in his removal from a coveted anchor spot on MSNBC.

Posted: 4:09:36 PM  

Massive particle collider passes first key tests

"My first thought was relief," said Evans, who has been working on the project since its inception in 1984. "This is a machine of enormous complexity. Things can go wrong at any time. But this morning has been a great start."

The CERN experiments could reveal more about "dark matter," antimatter and possibly hidden dimensions of space and time. It could also find evidence of the hypothetical particle - the Higgs boson - which is sometimes called the "God particle" because it is believed to give mass to all other particles, and thus to matter that makes up the universe.

Posted: 4:00:21 PM  

The Six Billion Dollar Experiment | on articles

Will the Large Hadron Collider finally reveal the elusive God particle?

Posted: 3:55:52 PM  

Hello, what's happening in your world today?

Marina's Masters is back online ... We've missed YOU...

It will take a while to read all emails and get back to you ...

You are Loved ...

Posted: 12:39:49 PM  

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