Marina's Masters - Latest News

dinsdag 8 juli 2008
Ramah's Wisdom

Can you be HONEST with YOURSELF for ONE day?

Read the additional message here | on channeling

Posted: 8:18:49 PM  

The World According to Monsanto

Link to this movie

Posted: 8:04:13 PM  

Judge dismisses case over 9/11 remains

The lawsuit, filed in 2005 by a group called WTC Families for a Proper Burial, sought to have the estimated 1.2 million to 1.8 million tons of rubble originally from the World Trade Center site transferred out of the Fresh Kills landfill located on New York's borough of Staten Island.

Posted: 8:12:38 AM  

'David Icke blows away 400 people at a free public meeting' | Scroll down to find the article

(But don't expect the mainstream media to report it - he's mad, you see)

Posted: 8:10:33 AM  

S O N G for NOW

An Englishman in NewYork - Godley & Creme | on Multiply

Posted: 8:05:18 AM  

AT&T Whistleblower: Spy Bill Creates 'Infrastructure for a Police State'

Klein: "Congress has made the FISA law a dead letter - such a law is useless if the president can break it with impunity. Thus the Democrats have surreptitiously repudiated the main reform of the post-Watergate era and adopted Nixon’s line: "When the president does it that means that it is not illegal." This is the judicial logic of a dictatorship."

Posted: 8:02:38 AM  

Daily Motivator

Time on your side

The easiest way to handle a problem is before it becomes a problem. The most effective way to resolve a confrontation is to prevent it from ever happening.

By understanding and appreciating what is, you're able to see what can be. By addressing big issues when they are still small, you can greatly enhance your positive influence.

Great achievements are built in long successions of small moments. When you know where you're going from the very beginning, you'll get there much more quickly.

Every day you are putting forth effort. Have the foresight to point all those successive efforts in the same direction, and you can create whatever results you wish.

Get out in front of your life and do what you must do, long before it must be done. Instead of wasting much effort on playing catch up, enjoy the rich, fulfilling rewards that come from being ahead of the game.

Act early, act often and act with positive purpose. Reap the tremendous benefits of putting time on your side.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 7:58:14 AM  

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