Marina's Masters - Channelings

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here. Also published and posted here are items 'channeled' through others, Marina and various postings like Tarot Cards, SYNCS etc.

zaterdag, 11 december 2010
Thought for Today

'Fear' for Assange's life ...

S a m e (SCROLL to 'Elaine Brown on the phone') could happen to him

Update Dec.12: 'They' captured him quick after the cables were released, as so people will move quickly onto another subject of interest, in the news around the globe. Like (swine) FLU, i.e.
Assange will therefor be forgotten soon.
That is/was the plan.
Underestimation or good planning?
- end update Dec. 12

The POWNEWS guys need to take care ...

NOTE: fear is never an option: LOVE IS.

Posted: 10:55:14 AM  

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The Fine Print

Friday, 10 December 2010 15:00 - by Lisa Renee

Given what is thrown at you daily you may have been busy sending several emphatic appeals to the Celestial Management Structure asking for an Earth Mission contract re-negotiation. As all your technological gadgets are either drained or dead or working intermittently you may have resorted to smoke signals to get some attention down here.

As you throw your arms up to the heavens begging for a direct intervention for more clarity in your purposes, you see a rolled up parchment labeled Starseed Mission Upgrade – Note: See Appendix with Clause descending in your Crown chakra. With voracious excitement as you sense the new information download being fired into the neural synapses of your brain, you pass out on the couch or floor to integrate.
Days later (weeks??) when you are able to stand upright for a few hours to gain some coherency you begin to have realization to the actual content. And you exclaim outloud: "You want me to do WHAT???"

NOTE from MM: both HIGH and (very) LOW fevers can occur during this state.
Awake the same time every night. Too much needed sleep or no sleep at all.
"Pressure" on 3rd eye area, dizzyness.
Thoughts like 'will I be able to let go of EGO anyways. I am trying so hard and it seems to stick for ever' ( ... or that kinda ;-) thoughts).
Not wanting to interact with others and/or stay in bed/at home.
Feeling NASTYNESS in the other dimensions and wanting to hide from that 'evil'.
Thoughts like 'Will I ever REmember why I am here' and 'Who am I' in this time.

This time is about being delivered from the bondage of lies and deception, and restored by the Light of Truth.
Meanwhile this is being evidenced with a plethora of new spiritual tools and sensory abilities coming online. We are in a fast learning curve at the moment to prepare for the next huge intersection coming in March 2011. Massive reconnection and spiritual body activations (such as monadic merging) in the Starseed or Indigo family are happening very spontaneously and very fast.

The Fine Print:

I. Divine Will is 'Service to Other's' orientation and is the New Plan and Law for the Changing of the Guard being positioned now.

II. It was never about 'You'. You just thought so for awhile. Your body belongs to God Source and is a vehicle of Christ Intelligence. You are the returning embodiment of the 'Christ Intelligence to the Earth'.

III. As a Vehicle of Christ Intelligence you will be required to do things your ego personality does not want to do. You will deliver Group Souls by releasing their bondage to the dark by Power in the Truth of the Light. You are an Emissary and Protector of the Divine Plan and Logos, the Word of God.

IV. You are to learn perfect 'Service to Others' orientation without imposing your personal will. You are required to have no attachment to the outcome or to the result of your service. Self interest is now taken to the back seat in order to serve the greater Whole.

V. You will be penalized energetically if you persist in manifestation via the manipulation of forces to superimpose your personal agenda or ego will desire. You must master forces of Divine Inspiration over Personal Aspiration. You are being tested heavily to build this discernment through 'Dark Arts Training' happening now.

VI. Consumptive Modeling is completed as Law on this Planet therefore all energies or spirit bodies that have been misdirected or used at the expense of another will be balanced back into a perfect equilibrium of the Forces. Return to the Rightful Owner is in effect however must be claimed in the authority of the Embodied Christ in God.

VII. You have accepted this Clause through being physically embodied at this time of the Ascension. You will either leave your body to continue this school or stay to Serve the Others. (Mission briefing complete.)

The Hungry Ghosts of the Phantom Fallen

At the same time we have another timeline advancing (Fallen Parallel Earth) that has created a lot of challenges navigating the current energies as the pressure of the collective planetary field has been immense. These energies create a lot of chaos, disruption, congestion and interference. It adds a whole other 'wild card' element to your day.

You never know what's happening next and act only moment to moment. If you listen to your guidance you will be told clearly to stay at home, or be still, isolate and this is very important that you pay close attention to this message when it comes. ( even when people around you get upset at you for it).

As usual when the "Hungry Ghost" sees a light it attempts to overpower it or manipulate it away from the rightful owner. It will use your fear or lies to do so. You will see many more people around you fall into this pit, and allow themselves to be influenced or overcome by these dark consciousness forces.


Posted: 10:04:26 AM  

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