Marina's Masters - Channelings

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here. Also published and posted here are items 'channeled' through others, Marina and various postings like Tarot Cards, SYNCS etc.

dinsdag, 17 augustus 2010
Lisa Renee's Newsletter for August

SHOCKWAVE - August 2010

Note from MM: S Y N C S are in BOLD

Many of us have noticed how surreal it has been watching people become unhinged around us as they lose control over themselves.
Walking down the street in a metropolis setting with a large population has become increasingly bizarre as you observe the behavior in your environment.

It is clear people are like internal pressure cookers exploding over very petty and temporary things, all the way through to the spectrum of huge life altering events. This amplification is also a purification that increases a surfacing of watching distortions appearing in people, places and organizations. Nothing is spared from this necessary purification. We have to see what has been holding the faÁade up, and we are being made privy to watching what goes on "behind the scenes". Nothing can remain hidden very long in these new Unity architecture patterns as it is changing the physics of how the energies and space time are revealed to us as an "observer". This is a relief to many of us that have nothing to hide and really just want to get on with it. This is a starting point of the unraveling that will give many of us the freedom we have been desiring to live our lives in order to move forward into the new patterns that can be supported by the Unity (neutral) framework.

We are entering a cycle where "Unity" architecture patterns are being restored access to certain places within the planetary mass consciousness grid. This means more of us can access species race memory and this Unity pattern and its frequency (neutral or zero point) if we attune to it from our inner self. This is accessed from inside of you as personal "power" and cannot be captured externally or controlled as an external "force".

This allows for experiences of greater spiritual self realization and our inner source connection becoming greatly enhanced. This also amplifies polarity in the external reality so it's been increasingly intense dealing with the amplification of the "fear consciousness" fighting for its control.

This fear "collective" consciousness has been very aggressive lately, like in the "bullying" of those it perceives as weak or stronger than itself. Lately many of us feel we have been put through the wringer as these ego polarized "bullies" have been pounding us hard to find a weakness they can exploit in some way.

The ego keeps your attention focused on the external events which generally means it is ignoring the inner voice and higher self message. There is purpose in everything, even in unpleasant events.

This "bullying" behavior is common when a dominating ego loses perceived control. It then becomes increasingly desperate to find ways to control or manipulate external events into its "favor".
Desperate means give in to desperate measures, and this is what we are observing in those confined to their ego structure of relating.
It has not been pretty, albeit it is a necessary part of the collective consciousness transformation.

We are receiving a whole new Unity Source Code language at this time and it is purposed to overwrite the distorted code that has been used to "consume" others.

Unity Intelligence source code is the language platform to end the "consumptive modeling" that has infected our blueprint. This means it is getting increasingly harder for those beings who are "consumers" who feed upon others to either exist or have used others energies to serve themselves.
These entities are being "starved" and it is another reason why they are desperate and "fighting" aggressively now.

If we are to recognize this planet is enslaved in its mental body fields and therefore it has genetically enslaved the flesh through the systems we have been controlled to believe within the mind, it becomes clear.

We need to get out of the mind fields in order to be Free.

We need to free our bodies from mind control fences and their implants.

We need to stop feeding matrices of division, separation, superiority or judgment.

We need to stop feeding Guru's and self proclaimed authorities who want y o u r m o n e y, your devotion and worship to serve self interested or exclusive motivations.

We also need to ponder the possibility that No Thing is more powerful than God Source and the Attunement of a Pure Heart to serve God's purpose.

Your Consciousness Power is Yours

Your personal power, your personal choice and the commitment of where you direct your consciousness stays with you and you alone.

You are now a fully responsible divine human and will have lessons that continually allow you to make the choices to fully have that realization.

This is what it means to allow the Divine Plan to be restored to the Earth, as through its original design and blueprint.

You cannot control it, possess it, force it upon others or demand it answer to your ego.

The more you allow witnessing through non-judgment and surrender to what simply "Is", you allow the God consciousness to steer your rudder and begin its process of "re-harmonization" to the hologram.

This is radically changing your personal perception of reality, as well as the people around you that share a similar resonance.

This is how we begin to go beyond polarity thinking and into direct "knowing" which stems from being able to hold "perfect neutrality" to the external events.

We are getting massive amounts of practice through our life experiences now.

In order to have a "direct knowing" one must have the reality experience of that information directly.

You cannot "know" through the intellect, a book or what an external source is telling you is the "real truth". You are left with your feeling senses and that is all we have to go on reliably at this time.

READ MORE HERE - at Lisa Renee's

Posted: 1:48:43 AM  

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