Marina's Masters - Channelings

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here. Also published and posted here are items 'channeled' through others, Marina and various postings like Tarot Cards, SYNCS etc.

donderdag, 8 juli 2010
Movie For Now



Hold on ... we all feel it, 'SomeThing' is about to happen ...

Posted: 11:01:52 AM  

link to this article: [Macro error: Can't evaluate the expression because the name "permalinkUrl" hasn't been defined.]

TAROT CARD for Today

Energy, integrity, and creativity.


New ideas or ventures that must be acted upon immediately.

A person who inspires others to live this mission.

Posted: 10:20:06 AM  

link to this article: [Macro error: Can't evaluate the expression because the name "permalinkUrl" hasn't been defined.]

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