Our Spiraling Universe
August 2009 - by Lisa Renee
More than ever it's All about the Spin! Spinning out these new realities, birthing us like a newborn star, the Universe is spiraling us outside of the 'time matrix'.
The Cosmic Birther has indeed been busy. About now those on the Ascension wave timeline are 'really' feeling the spiraling energies changing our consciousness.
Multiple sets of Synchronicity, Soul connections, A-ha moments, Past Life memory, Mystery Manifestations, Flashing Mathematical Master codes ( i.e. 1111,4444,8888) are a part of our everyday life.
We are undergoing a phase of radical change in the ratio of the particle spin between protons (female principle particle) and electrons (male principle particle) This is changing EVERYTHING!
Revelations are packed into every square inch as light packets coded with frequency are bouncing through us within a newly available frequency spectrum. As the dimensions collide and timelines collapse, sometimes right before our very eyes, our horizon is shifting and changing like we change our underwear. Several beginnings and endings can transpire within our human time frame of 24 hours. Directional clarity certainly is at a premium that most of us are not having during this time.
This always means…wait until you're called. Yes. The Universe was always spinning except our human selves did not perceive it ... quite like this. We are definitely being over-stimulated and at times really have to sleep it off. (if you are not wired, in that case just try to relax).
As mentioned last month, an Interdimensional Guardian Project is moving consciousness existing within parallel or phantom pockets of time and space to another time continuum. Some of us have been very busy providing or directing the portal openings in order to support this movement. Across our Spiraling Universe as these transitional gateways are docking into place, they are creating doorways of which build connector points to be used as 'exits'.
These transit stations are very relevant to our personal pathways of movement, as they connect to the Galactic harmonics reweaving our destiny paths. Don’t worry as the Universe has got your number and YOU WILL be called! Keep practicing your inner sustainability, your ultimate authority is God! Practice being inner directed and connected at every moment, no matter what.
Since the July 4th weekend, we (our planet) have been on a rollercoaster ride of Universal proportions.
Just preceding the first set of the three eclipses to begin on July 7th, a Galactic Superhighway was re-connected.
This is an orbit existing within our planetary shield, into the core of our Universe, (Orion's Belt- Milkyway) and then into the Andromeda Core. This is being hosted by the Aquafarion races through the Andromeda Core. This was signified as the 13th gateway code, (or Aquios Gateway) a portal system the Starseeds ( and Light Hierarchy) have been bridging and building towards Andromeda for a long, long time. As it has been referred to that weekend of July 4th, we have achieved "independence" for human beings. This is a fantastic development for all of us holding sovereignty and liberation as a potential reality experience for all of humanity.
This Reconnected Aquios Gateway set the stage for the Three Eclipses.
This also aggravated some of the regressive groups, as this signifies the beginning to end their planet earth territorial dispute.
Solar Cross
Additionally because of the Orion energies (8D) opening into the Aquios gateway, some of us with Orion genetic code cleared up a Solar implant in the planetary field called the "Solar Cross".
This implant is a controller code that placed a criss cross holographic architecture in our planetary field in the 4D and 8D Stargate System. It impacts the trajectory movement between the earth body and the sun body and controls who gets into this (closed) planetary system through the 8th Portal/Galactic Core. As we are a part of the Earth body, it therefore impacts our human light bodies.
This implant impaled us from right shoulder to left hip and left shoulder to right hip criss-crossing exactly in the still point (high sternum) area. (This implant would not be generally felt until your lightbody is activated and/or responding at the 8D frequency level) The Guardians mention this also had to be moved out to work on the new umbilicus connections that impact the 5D architecture of the planetary and human lightbody. (As mentioned in earlier news, this is related to the 2009 Guardian Planetary Grid Project to rehabilitate the 5D levels and detach the false umbilicus leading to the Astral Layers.)
The Human Lightbody has an extensive energetic pathway called the "meridian" system.
This wisdom about the meridian system has been known by the ancients, specifically held by the oriental medicine lineages even today.
However there is one main system according to the Guardians that has been extremely damaged from the astral debris and related suppressor phenomena. From their perspective, the effects of it have contributed to the emotional body damage of the human being. This has made human beings extremely vulnerable to psychic attack, entity attachments, parasitic debris and implant control. This is the complex system of the "Gallbladder Meridian".
Note from MM: CLICK HERE and scroll down to the posting on that date: In This Now - attack
Posted: 12:30:03 AM link to this article: http://www.marinasmasters.com/2006/categories/channelings/2009/08/07.html#a7013