Marina's Masters - Channeling

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here:

vrijdag 14 november 2008
Todays Wisdom

When will MEN learn that He is powerful.

We have the ability to CHANGE!

We can change history, future and NOW.

We are change!

We don't HAVE the POWER...

We ARE the power.

This 'WAR' is not about OIL?!!?!

This 'war' is about CONSCIOUSNESS ... YOUR consciousness!

Wake UP!

Posted: 11:27:09 AM  

link to this article:

Energy Update:


It has been a while since the last energy update for several reasons.
We all "NEED" to learn to BRING-IN the Wisdom, learned during the last years, into 3D. That takes time. Take that time. Give yourself that gift!

Now, for the 'symptoms' of this month:

Lots of sleeping 'problems' for at least a couple of days.
Many are having sleepless nights, not able to fall asleep and not able to GET-UP and GOING during the day. Allow.

Pains and ackes.
Many are facing body-'problems', aligning with higher vibrations brings in pains, ackes and other unsolved issues of the 'past'.
Make sure you have good meals, cooked with LOVE.
(It's NOT what's IN the meal, it's HOW you 'cook' it...)

This month also implies releasing OLD (again) and for many that has to do with OLD issues: re-aligning with the NOW is releasing all old so therefore issues of the past you THOUGHT were 'gone' needs re-arrangement.
Suddenly, appearing out of nowhere (now here) are the old issues in line, for you to practice LOVE some more.

Are you truly DOING what you've learned. In other words: do you practice what you preach?

Swimming UPSTREAM in every situation is NEVER a good step so make sure you go with the flow. Mind will always interfere, so just recognize them as thoughts, that is what they are: thoughts. Let them pass you by. All is well.

As from this point we cannot say furthermore, just look at the synchronosities, layed-out i.e. this site ... words in emails or articles (like nomads, portals, planets, etc.) are only given in a personal matter and not to be understood by many. The bigger picture is to be captured whilst talking with others and seeing (hearing) that THEY are, with different details, doing or experiencing exactly the same!

Namaste, until then,


Posted: 1:00:19 AM  

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T h o u g h t F o r T o d a y

M e r c u r y (planet)

Posted: 12:20:29 AM  

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