Ramah's Wisdom
You become what you create.
Additional message:
Or: You('ve) become what you('ve) create(d).
That does not 'go' for just your words, but for sure to your THOUGHTS ... as well.
That 'goes' not for only YOU, but for ALL of humanity, as well.
'Combined' energies are much powerful, but don't stay in the illusion that you cannot 'change' when you are just one person...
One person CAN change a whole universe!
You cannot change the world, but you CAN change yourSELF, therefor you ARE adding to the whole, thus the world(s).
You are (connected ... to/with) ONE CONSCIOUSNESS.
The HUMAN-MIND is so strong, it can bend or break almost everything. Therefor its your responsibility to know you are ONE with everything, even more connected with is as ever and actually FEEL the power of the 'teachings'... (and being able to let your heart connect with it).
Now, here is also an energy update:
NOW (!) you will notice that 'things' will move and flow easier for you, for so many are connecting now and are 'trying' together.
(The) TRYING is always good, it will lead you, eventually to BECOMING.
Just LIFT it all up, feel, connect, get in to free-spacing, unconditional love, educate yourself, love yourself, love another ...
Remember this too:
Smile to another person and
Give yourself a smile!
Until then.
Posted: 11:59:32 AM link to this article: http://www.marinasmasters.com/2006/categories/channelings/2008/04/19.html#a4313