The Friday's Message From The Universe
Please excuse me while I deviate a bit.
It just occurred to me that I know someone who's really well connected to the "Universe", a KEY player who can really get things done - POWERFUL would be an understatement.
This is the kind of person we'd all like to have on our team, a person who can get virtually ANYTHING done once their mind is made up, and definitely the kind of person (if you'd care to listen to them) who could help you answer your toughest questions, and who could even get you going living the life of your dreams.
I'm not sure if they've written any books or made any recordings that you could get a hold of... but that doesn't matter, you know what they say, "it's not WHAT you know, but WHO you know" (what a ridiculous concept, but just this once it's true).
This person goes by many names, but, well, it's you.
Yeah, I'm talking about you.
Just thought I'd help hook you up with a BEING OF LIGHT who's touched many lives.
Good "luck", and tallyho!
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