Monday Oct.1 I had written The Thought for Today and today Ryan wrote me with an answer:
It's largely a forgotten part of research from the 60's in the US, like much research from that time.
But the ability of the human brain to create magnetic fields is something that can be directly detected by machines.
Making a device of some sort that under magnetic charge would produce electricity is completely plausible.
In fact, it would be possible to design a device of some sort with no moving parts.
I once thought about the possibility that at some point in time humans may have had an extremely far-developed pK ability and it was by this means they powered everything and would defend themselves. I read one theory from a guy who supposed the possibility of people redeveloping a strong natural pK ability in the conscious shift of 2012.
Wiki Link Magnetoencephalography.
Thnx Ryan. Very interesting. Very Helpful. I never heard of it until Ramah whispered it in my ear. This is how I get my messages. Or through radio, TV, people, symbols, signs and signals ...
On Masters at Multiply is a Blog and I will put this there; when there is a need/want to discuss this or when people want to send more info, we can do it there ...
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