Marina's Masters - Channeling

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here:

zaterdag 18 augustus 2007
Be BALANCE in these wonderful times.

These days we all feel something is happening, something is going on...
Much is changing around the globe and then there is this other 'feeling' lurking; we cannot say what but its there ...

BE BALANCE plz, hold on, hang in ... you are doing great!

If you didn't see the Latest Movie (the calling) yet, please do so (scroll here on Latest) ... or Click Here.

The last couple of months the movies were bringing more messages then I was used to.

The movies are to be found on SPIRITUAL MOVIES.

When you want to see more movies, scroll down on that page to the index.

We are exactly where we 'need' or 'supposed' to be.

Remember who you are, the Calling has begun.

Posted: 9:53:00 AM  

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Last update: 1-9-2007; 11:43:50

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