Marina's Masters - Channeling

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here:

donderdag 21 juni 2007
Ramah about the Now Moment

Live in the NOW instead of NO.

When we talk about the NOW moment and address to you to live in the NOW, not dwell in the past or future, one can understand that all is well. In the NOW. Even when your mind is telling all is wrong.

Are you in a situation of distress? Your mind will tell you something is wrong.


Think here, ponder this one. When you stay in the NO-mode, because you 'think' things should be different, better, easier etc., what are you doing?

You are not paying attention to the NOW. It may look like it, but you are not.
You are paying attention, giving energy to 'NO'.

It can be a private situation, or about the worldly affairs, it doesn't really matter;
when you are in the NO-mode, saying 'NO, I DON'T WANT THIS, NO, THIS IS NOT WHAT I EXPECTED OUT OF LIFE, NO, IT SHOULD BE ALL DIFFERENT, NO, THIS IS ALL WRONG,' etc. the NO will stay. You are NOT excepting the situation as a lesson to you.

Maybe you need to learn something from this situation and by saying NO to it, you push the lesson away. Remember, all is inflicted upon you because YOU asked to learn this lesson.

Maybe you wanted an experience in this life of that what you say no to.

Remember, when things are good, or seem good, you are not in the NO-mode. It is mostly when things or situations are not good, that the NO comes up.

We talked about ALL is in perfect BALANCE. Even the NO-situations.

When will the NO-situations change in your life?

When you say YES to ALL that occurs in your life. It is that easy.

Now, words are just words and need to integrate with your souls energy, your heart, they need to be felt (through). Only THEN you will KNOW what it means: embracing all moments in the NOW.

Is there a person in your life, giving you a hard time, is there not enough money for you to take care of the normal needs, say YES.
Don't stay in the NO-mode, not with words, not with thoughts, not with energy. Say 'YES, I SEE THERE IS A LESSON TO BE LEARNED FROM THIS, I WONDER WHAT IT IS.'
Ask persons or guides to help you shine some Light on the subjects you are wrestling with. Ask and you will be shown. It is like that.

All persons etc around you, will help you with this education. You are all related to one another, all family, all ONE. Therefor: look at the signs, given to you by situations, persons, words etc.

How can we use the energies of NOW?
Ask for yourself and don't forget to ask for another. A friend tells you that something is not okay in his/her situation, life. Listen and see what is necessary in his/her life. What is it that You can do?

You can see the situation 'solved'. You can feel the Happiness inside you and the person and dance around the room together. So happy you are that this lesson is learned.
Talk about the No and the NOW.
Let the other see why he or she is in the No.
Help out, lend a hand, let time take its course, for human needs some time to adjust to the new situation.


The word CREATION starts with a C.

But the Power of this word starts with another letter, the letter I for INTENTION. Will you change your life dramatically into YES, therefor NOW?
It starts with Intention: YOURS!

Now we know, like said before, words remain words when they are not felt and/or lived-through. That's why you still have situations in your life.
Say: Ah, I see, the bad-situation-I'm-in, the money-I-don't-have, the job-not-good, the house-too-small, the relation-not-there, the partner-not-here, the-arguments-going-on, the-situation-not-changed,
When I say YES to this and learn the lesson I need to learn, maybe I need to learn to stand-up for myself, maybe I need to learn to be peace, maybe I need to learn to not overreact, maybe I need to learn that all is inside me, maybe I need to learn to stop searching outside of myself, maybe I need to change jobs etc.etc.,
when I say YES, I see, I embrace ALL these moments, for they are right here, right now, in the NOW and from this moment on I will say YES to them ... I can stay focussed and centered in the Field Of Now.

In the Field of NOW beautiful things happen. Because that is when Universe steps in. To provide you with a 'solving' of the matter. That 'solving' you have not thought of. That 'solving' your mind isn't even capable of creating!

Enjoy the ride, live in the NOW moment, say YES to what you have surpressed by saying No to it, and let the energies flow for you.

Until next time,


Posted: 1:16:56 PM  

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