When Trust becomes DisTrust and how we can find Trust again.
Because of all human restrictions and jumps in growth on the spiritual path, we experience every day, it can be that all of the sudden: DisTrust sneaks upon us.
Is it okay what I am doing?
Is it okay what the Other person does?
As soon as these thoughts arises, we go downwards in a spiral, in our vibrations.
We even go this far we make up a 100 other things to add on that distrust or fear, to feed it a bit more.
As soon someone in our environment does something we don't like, (when WE are Low in Vibration), we cannot react with Love.
We react with : the "Here-we-go-again-frustration".
This person is acknowledging that emotion (fear, distrust etc.) where WE are at that moment!
If we were in the LOVE-vibration, we had not act that way, felt that way, and not reacted that way.
The Other is mirroring YOU.
You decided to be in Fear, or in Controle!
The other person is showing YOU where YOU are!
When you are in Total Alignment with your energy, in Trust, Peace and Love and SEE, feel or hear the other person on that DisTrust etc. it won't bother you to give your Love and energy to Help and show the other what he or she is doing.
You will remain in your high vibration and act like a Master.
We respect the other for he or she is, and where he or she is on The Path.
When you are in a Low Vibration, what can you do to go from DisTrust to Trust?
First : Go IN !
Balance your Chakra's and / or do a good Grounding-Meditation.
Meditate on NO-Thing.
NothingNess will be Is-Ness.
Connect with Universe.
In so many words:
Open your Heart again for LOVE, even if you feel DisTrust, Fear or Situations you THINK you cannot handle.
Be Peace and Be Still.
You cannot Listen when you are not STILL.
How can you listen to your Heart, God, Angels, your Higher Self, the Universe, if you keep on having thoughts and fears?
Be in the NOW.
Be kind to yourself and be at Ease with yourself!
Take care of you FIRST!
If you don't take care of you First, how can you take care of another person?
To Love yourself, is to Love the Other.
The Other is YOU!
Re-Member, we are ONE (heart .
Posted: 9:37:40 AM link to this article: http://www.marinasmasters.com/2006/categories/channelings/2007/04/27.html#a1326