Marina's Masters - Channeling

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here:

maandag 19 maart 2007

We are all on the same path. Sometimes these roads cross. We are on a crossroad NOW.
Spiritual Relations will change, as the winds, as the seasons does.
For NOW it means letting go of DESIRE.

Is there something you don't like in your partner? GOOD!

Here is another chance to grow: Focus on what you GET from your partner instead of looking and wanting things you (think) you don't get.

Purify yourself more and more from DESIRES. Does your Desires have a sexual nature, or is there something in your partner which is not appealing to you? Free yourself from it and see your partner in its FULL LIGHT, contributing to Humanity, Oneness.
On his/her OWN WAY.

See the Beauty in your partner (friend etc).

Don't look at the things you LONG for, WANT to HAVE and feel in LACK-OF.

Notice them, allow the pain while sending those desires into the Universe, for those are implanted ego-memories, from your own past.
ALLow yourself and your partner to reach out and grow to higher levels of consciousness even more. HOW?

BE in the proces.
Be the Proces.
KNOW that this allowing, to let go of old DESIRES (that what you THINK you WANT) is helping you on your chosen path of Ascension.

While writing this channeling, Jim chose to send me an email, notice the 'coincendence':

In whom there dwells no self-deception and no pride,
Whose lust and selfishness are gone, who is desireless,
Whose wrath is put away, whose self hath cool become-
He is brahmin, he [is] a recluse, he is a monk.


Free yourself of OLD programmings, they were implanted in your energy system by parents, teacher, friends... ALL in YOUR PAST.
Living in the NOW means: NOW, LIFE IS NOW.

PAST is to dissolve. Let it DISSOLVE. Send ALL old programming you encounter on a daily basis, back, with Love, into the Universe and be grateful that IT IS DONE.

Creating your SPACE OF LOVE, creating IN the GRAND MOMENT OF LOVE is allowing to let go. EVEN if this hurt you a little bit (or much).
Let it GO.

For us,


Posted: 10:27:37 AM  

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