Marina's Masters - Articles

dinsdag, 9 november 2010
Mission to moon shines

Premier Wen Jiabao unveils an image of the moon's Sinus Iridum, or Bay of Rainbows, yesterday, photographed by Chang'e-II, and marking the success of China's second lunar probe mission. The image was captured by a chargecoupled device camera on the Chang'e-II lunar probe from a height of 18.7 km over the moon on October 28.

The frame of the picture covered an area of 8 km wide from east to west and 15.9 km long from south to north. The area is proposed as the landing ground for China's future moon missions. After it finishes its six-month mission, Chang'e-II will fulfil one of its three designated "tasks" - crashing into the moon, flying off into outer space or returning to the Earth.
The Chang'e probes are named after Chang'e, a legendary Chinese moon goddess.

Posted: 9:51:08 AM  
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'Lucifer Rising Out of Underworld' - Window #2: Late Oct-early Nov - on etemenanki

Foreshadowing - 'The Event'

Don't want to go too much into this yet but... From previous posts:

Oct 03, 2010 [Etemenanki]: As previously mentioned there is a significant convergence of patterns/timecodes in October (plus early November) that will trigger a sequence to open up the Underworld (including the Chilean miners trapped underground and possible US West Coast/Ring of Fire earthquake activities)... a la the Gulf oil leak.

There are two windows that I talk about (around Oct 8-16 & around Halloween)...

Posted: 9:34:47 AM  
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