Marina's Masters - Articles

woensdag 28 januari 2009
Law of Attraction

10 Common "Attraction-Mistakes" People Make

If you don't think the Law of Attraction is working for you, then try and understand that the Law works the same for everybody - we just don't all put the same kinds of thoughts and feelings into our desires.

Here's a list of 10-common Law of Attraction mistakes that can keep your dreams at bay:

1. Thinking about what you don't want rather than what you do want is a good way to create more of what you don't want. Practically every religion and philosophy teaches some version of this wisdom: 'As a man thinketh, so it is done unto him.
This simply means that, if you keep thinking about what you don't want rather than focusing your thoughts, time, and energy on the things you do want, you'll just keep getting more of what you already have – more problems and things to complain about.

2. Spending more time thinking negative thoughts than you do thinking 'positive' thoughts is an obvious way to find yourself looking back on a miserable life that seems to have passed you by leaving only bad memories and discontent. All you have is time; use it wisely – and positively.

3. Being impatient about WHEN your good will arrive is based on a fear that it might not. That fear is enough to delay the arrival of your dreams indefinitely, or to cause you to miss your ship when it does come in simply because you were too impatient to wait for it.

4. Not thinking about what you want is a sure way not to get it. You can only think about one thing at a time; and you can't really do anything without thinking about it. So, if you don't think about what you want, you will probably never get it. Some people are too busy thinking about what they don't want, or thinking about what they think they are supposed to be thinking about, to think about what they do want; and some people simply don't see the point in thinking about what they want because they just don’t believe they have a chance of getting it. As Henry Ford said, 'If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right either way.'

5. Not doing what you love, and not maintaining a positive mental/emotional state, will keep you in a state of depression, or low energy. If you don’t maintain a positive mental state, or a state of high-vibration (Good vibes, as people often say), anything you receive will be colored by your own negativity.

6. Declaring that the Law of Attraction doesn't work, or that prayers aren't answered, is another way to waste your time and thought-energy. If you don't believe your thoughts create, or lead to, each of your experiences, then you probably think you are a victim of fate or chance. As long as you maintain this 'victim-mentality,' you will remain a victim – but a victim of your own thinking, and not a victim of life.

7. Not being specific about what you want is how most people go through life – and why most people's lives are filled with clutter and chaos. They want 'stuff' but, lacking specificity, they get a wide variety of stuff they don't even remember thinking about or asking for. Life becomes scattered, unfocused and chaotic when we allow our thoughts to become scattered, unfocused and chaotic rather than focusing them specifically on what we want.

8. Trying to control outcomes and change physical conditions with force demonstrates a tremendous lack of faith. Fear that we aren't going to get what we want leads us to try to control our circumstances; and, more often than not, it is the thing we greatly fear that will come to us.

9. Thinking, or worrying, too much about what you might be doing wrong is yet another way of putting the powerful energy of your attention on something you do not want. If you think you're doing something wrong, you are. And, if you're thinking you're doing something wrong, you aren't thinking about what you want, or want to experience. Ask yourself what you want, and how you want to be using your time and energy.

10. Being Judgmental, Unforgiving, Ungrateful, and/or Unappreciative puts you in a very unattractive state. You will not only repel your dreams with this 'negative' energy, but also people and opportunities.

Read more here

Posted: 7:59:44 AM  
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