Marina's Masters - Articles

zondag 13 mei 2007
Space Travelers through the Cosmos

We must be free of external input to have our own inner link to universal truth. Deprogramming begins with that which was learned from family, friends, religion, society, school, television, radio, internet, and all not originating with you. Then there is separation from the 5 senses and their convincing view of reality. Each sense takes a slice of a given spectrum and instigates a solid image in the mind. We must not believe this to be reality. It is the imprint of the 3rd dimensional world. Simply put, our sense’s view not our soul’s. There is a higher perspective that reflects many different ways of perceiving. First we need quiet; then we need to listen.

Through this inner portal we can connect to source directly and have every question answered at once. Eventually questions cease because all is self evident at all times. We learn to look and see rather than seek and misconstrue. Sinking into that which already is, we open up to the force which breathes us and beats our heart in rhythm with nature. We are immersed in IT even as fish in the sea. Astral vibrancy is our ocean. Through releasing identity with self as it applies to circumstance we are able to restore our higher self to life in the body. Our soul has nothing to do with our era, society, or culture. We are space travelers on a journey of discovery; remember this and it begins.

Many seek alien contact and fail to realize that in a literal sense it is we who are the aliens. The human body is the meeting place for many creatures. Angels, demons, Sirians, Pleiadians, Orionids, reptilians, fairies, elves, trolls, and yet even more whom we dare not describe. There are also native terrestrials and the animal-humans who worked their way up the reincarnation ranks to become Earth’s own cosmic contribution to the celestial game. There are the former Martians and Minervans (asteroid planet). Not to mention the visitors from our solar system’s other planets as there is indeed life in the ether around the aura of our great giants. The good humored Saturnians, the heavenly Uranians, and the confident Jupiterians all drop by and even enter a body on occasion.

Get out of thinking of yourself as only a physical body. Find out about chakras if you haven’t already and realize that you are a living constellation in the astral world – 4D. Your rainbow light body comes from the white light of the singularity – 5D. This is where we all meet and the ‘I/eye’ within you is the same ‘I/eye’ that is within me. This ‘I/eye’ is every ‘I/eye’…awareness itself. There is no monopoly on the eye as a symbol through which you can invoke this power. Any can utilize this tremendous archetype. One important way is as a means to contact the Sun and share Sol’s Cosmic Mind through unifying with His ‘I/eye’. It is surprising that Buddha didn’t come right out and say it, but I suppose he was being crafty in his own way.

Another point to consider is that the living Earth’s aura surrounds our own. At any time we can release the barriers which enforce separateness and allow the love of the mother to wash our burden away. We will hear passionate music and our heart will burst forth and rejoice in singing along. You will remember having heard it somewhere before…a long time ago, but it will be fresh, present, and new now. Joy will emanate from you and you will see that everything that everything that ever happened was just to get you here.

Christopher Moors

Posted: 6:31:25 PM  
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