Marina's Masters - Latest News

dinsdag 1 september 2009
George's comments on THIS article:

Swine flu: 10 things you need to know

Think kNOT but OK, let's look into it a bit:

1. No cause for panic. Oh Thnx, I needed to hear that

2. Virus tougher on some. Where did I hear that before?

3. Wash your hands often and long. Right, will do ..

4. Get the kids vaccinated. SURE! Let them die instantly ..

5. Get your shots early. Dying before the OUTBREAK is handy!

6. Immunity takes awhile. DUH!

7. Vaccines are being tested. Sure, coz the FDA says so ..

8. Help! Surrounded by swine flu. Let's kill 'm all!

9. What if you get sick? Wait for my mom and a cup of tea?

10. No swine flu from barbecue. Ah so I can roast my cow, deer, swine, rat, bird and squirl and get away with it?

What do ya THINK? I'm STUPID? RETARDED? Sick in the head?

THINK! And BE wise!

Posted: 11:42:26 PM  

The Martinsell Hill Incident - Crop Circle

When you visit a crop circle formation spend some time having a good look around you - take random photos of the surrounding scenery. If you arrive on the day of the crop formation appearing there is a good chance you will capture something interesting on camera.
On my visit to The Martinsell second formation I was attracted to one area of the horizon. A single distant flash came from the trees. Any sign of this nature I start to take shots instantly ( set your camera to multishoot ).

Posted: 11:28:48 PM  

An internal French government document that outlines detailed plans and orders for the force vaccination of the French population using secure "vaccine" facilities and starting from September 28th has emerged.

* The use of squalene is illegal in the USA and UK but is expected to be allowed there too under an emergency pandemic decree.

* The French government has bought 94 million doses of “swine flu” vaccine from Baxter, GSK, Novartis and Sanofi to carry out the forced vaccination programme.

* The GSK and Novartis vaccines are classified as bioweapons by US and EU regulators and contain the dangerous squalene.

* Similar documents are believed to be circulating in all 194 member states of the WHO.

* It is addressed to high ranking government officials who are ordered to prepare to supervise and coordinate the implementation of the forced vaccination programme in their regions, and to submit appropriate plans by the middle of September.

* The general public is only to be "informed" at the end of September of the plans by means of communications to the local press.

IF this is TRUE, what can YOU DO?
There is so much one can do, and it's not DEMONstrate, but EDUCATE.
Search in the site for more info on FLU, PANDEMIC, and find your way to talk H E R E (FORUM)

Posted: 11:12:22 PM  

What a BUMMER, one cannot hide UNDER the COVER with a HUMMER:

US Hummers Enter Pakistan, Undercover American Soldiers In Islamabad

This comes at a time when whistleblowers within the government and the military are reporting the arrival of a large number of US Marines in Pakistan. Some reports put the figure at 1,000 US soldiers, much of whom are thought to be arriving as part of the massive expansion of the US Embassy and four consulates across the country. While the US embassy continues to deny this, new buildings are under construction to house security teams. The expanded US embassy is supposed to become the largest US embassy in the world.

Posted: 11:04:11 PM  

Dr. Mercola - subscription needed:

Warning: Swine Flu Shot Linked to Killer Nerve Disease

The intended effect of a vaccination is to help you build immunity to a potentially harmful organism. However, your body's immune system is already designed to do this in response to organisms that invade your body naturally.

Posted: 12:45:43 PM  


A new sunspot emerged yesterday and interrupted a 51-day string of blank suns. It wasn't much of an interruption. Sunspot 1025 is small and may already be fading away.


On Sept. 4, 2009, Saturn will turn its rings edge-on to Earth, and for the first time in 14 years they will seem to disappear.
"To mark the occasion I've made an animation combining six years of Saturn observations," says New York amateur astronomer Alan Friedman. "It shows the changing plane of the ring system as viewed from my Buffalo backyard from 2004 to 2009."

"The final frame is constructed from observations I made earlier this year," he explains. "it shows how the planet will appear on Sept. 4th."

Unfortunately, the actual ring plane crossing on Sept. 4th will be practically impossible to observe. "On that day, Saturn will be very close to the sun - only 11o away - and the glare will hide the big event. In the fall of 2009, Saturn will emerge from the glare of the sun in the early morning sky and provide Earth-bound astronomers with our first glimpse of its blue north pole in 14 years."

Posted: 7:43:19 AM  

In This NOW

May 16 - 2 0 0 7 - on Latest kNEWs

* They say: where there is water, there is life ...
* Ramah's Wisdom
* Will You Be A Johnny Today?
* Researcher says some children demonstrate unusual abilities

Posted: 7:33:06 AM  

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