Marina's Masters - Latest News

zondag 27 april 2008
Lincoln - Kennedy "Coincidences" - History Mystery

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head.

Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.

I remembered a couple of weeks ago this article and 'asked' for it to appear, for I couldn't find it (easily). It appears now and another 'coincedence' appears also:

Did Lincoln's assassin escape, live to old age?

A shot was fired and, 143 years ago Saturday, John Wilkes Booth - assassin of Abraham Lincoln - collapsed to the ground, mortally wounded in the neck.

That's what history says.

But two Booth family descendants aren't convinced.

'Something' needs some LIGHT shining over it...

Posted: 11:46:53 PM  

Dharma The Cat - Philosophy With Fur

Dharma, Siam and Boddhi

By David Lourie, Ted Blackall & Dave Heinrich

Dharma The Cat Cartoons.

Posted: 10:06:34 AM  

The Latest Karen Bishop is Online


The energies of late? Much has been missing its mark, as we have broken through into a very new and higher vibrating space and this greatly affects our aligning and connecting experiences. In addition, it can feel as though we are in a no space with nothing much going on at all, and perhaps feeling as if there are no connections to anything either!

In the 3D reality, we let go of our physical bodies when we 'die.'
We don't take our suitcases with us either.
Through the ascension process, we are dying while we are still in our physical forms, only this process is occurring gradually in small steps. During this last phase into a higher vibrating space or dimension, we needed to let go of much that was holding us back or keeping us in a lower vibrating state. In this regard, we most recently needed to dis-connect from others who were holding us down.

So then, during this latest phase, we were being encouraged to let go of our old ways of 'helping,' assisting, holding on to others through compassion, and even finally letting go of the responsibilities we had held for so long in regard to getting this planet into a higher vibrating reality by using ourselves as the vehicles for transmutation. We were being released so that we could 'die' some more, go to the light, and arrive in a new reality.

Re-booting almost always involves the heavy feeling of lethargy, but it always passes as well. We may feel as if we are going in circles and getting nowhere, but as things settle out through their new alignments, we will experience more magic than we have ever known.

Posted: 9:58:21 AM  


No sunspots?
No problem. Yesterday the blank sun unleashed a solar flare without the usual aid of a sunspot.
At 1405 UT on April 26th, Earth-orbiting satellites detected a surge of X-rays registering B3.8 on the Richter scale of solar flares. Shortly thereafter, SOHO coronagraphs photographed a coronal mass ejection (CME) billowing away from the sun.
This strange solar flare came from a patch of sun (N08,E08) where magnetic fields were not intense enough to form a visible sunspot (sunspots are made of magnetism).

Posted: 9:47:04 AM  

Reno urged to prepare for worse as earthquakes continue

Seismologists said the recent activity is unusual because the quakes started out small and continue to build in strength. The normal pattern is for a main quake followed by smaller aftershocks.

Posted: 9:39:46 AM  

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