Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

zaterdag, 3 maart 2007
Bush Staff ordered couple out of speech

Leslie Weiss and Alex Young said they believed, when Michael Casper forced them to leave, that he was a Secret Service agent. They later learned he was a volunteer at the campaign event, which was open to the public.

While Casper said he was told to remove two people with a history of disrupting political events, Weiss and Young say they have no such track record.
They said they learned from a Secret Service agent that someone spotted a bumper sticker on their car that said "No blood for oil."

Posted: 12:27:06 PM  


BBC: Google and YouTube deal

The BBC announced Friday a "ground-breaking" deal with YouTube owners Google to make clips of its news and other programmes available on the popular video-sharing website.

Posted: 11:55:13 AM  


Saturday night date with lunar eclipse

Star gazers in Europe, the Middle East and Africa will have a front-and-center view of the eclipse in a late-night sky, with the zenith occurring at 23:21 GMT.

Posted: 11:51:44 AM  

1,700 rescued from floods in Mozambique

Mozambique has been inundated by rain since January. The situation was worsened last week when the impoverished southern African nation was battered by Cyclone Favio, which left at least 12 people dead in the tourist resort of Vilanculos.

Posted: 11:50:32 AM  

Feds select new nuclear warhead design

The decision to move ahead with the warhead, which eventually would replace the existing arsenal of weapons, has been criticized as sending the wrong signal to the world at a time when the United States is assailing attempts at nuclear weapons development in North Korea and Iran and striving to contain them.

Most certainly a signal to the world: WAKE UP !

Posted: 11:47:38 AM  

Cyclone Odette in Australia

Tourist have been airlifted from resorts, residents have been evacuated from their homes, and an airport has been shut down as wild storms struck Darwin today. And a cyclone is predicted to hit the territory later in the weekend.

Posted: 11:42:13 AM  

Saturday 's Message from the Universe

Good morning fellow adventurer!

DON'T try to figure out the HOW's of it... that's not your job!

You only need to know WHAT you want, then, just follow your instincts and let the Universe figure out the how's... Cool?

Way cool!

Posted: 11:39:38 AM  

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